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单词 惹是生非

惹是生非惹事生非;惹是招非rě shì shēng fēi

cause(/make/bring about/stir up) trouble;make (/kick up) a row (/racket); provokemischief (/a dispute); put the chestnuts in the fire;wake a sleeping dog/“这一点领导上就会知道的,用不着你到处去传锣,~。”秦德贵严肃地说了他两句,……(艾芜《百炼成钢》167) “Sure,the authorities shouldknow about this. But you don’t have to broadcast itand cause trouble,” Qin Degui told him sternly.
❍ 他给他们指明了前途,告诉他们,只要守法,不造谣破坏~,好好地接受劳动改造,将来不久,农业社可以分批吸收他们做社员,或候补社员。(周立波《山乡巨变》271) Hemapped out the future for them,and told them thatas long as they were law-abiding,and didn’t createrumours,engage in sabotage,or make trouble of anykind,but accepted reform through labour,then inthe not too distant future the agricultural co-oper-atives could take them in,in groups,as members orprobationary members.
❍ 你都这么大了,还给妈妈添麻烦,惹事生非,是什么道理?(陶承《我的一家》11) You’resupposed to be grown up now! Why do you go aroundmaking all this trouble for your mother,eh!/哥哥,你却到那里惹是招非! (《水浒全传》1222) Brother,youeven went there to bring trouble on yourself.

惹是生非re shi sheng fei

provoke a dispute


stir up trouble; make mischief; create disturbances; provoke a dispute

惹是生非rě shì shēnɡ fēi

形容招惹是非,挑起事端,制造麻烦。stir up trouble, make a racket, bring trouble on one’s head, make trouble, cause trouble, provoke mischief





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