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❶ (话) language; tongue; words: 本族 ~ mother tongue; 汉 ~ the Chinese language; 口 ~ spoken language; colloquial speech; 鸟 ~ bird's twitter; 世界 ~ Esperanto; 甜言蜜 ~ honeyed words
❷ (谚语; 成语) set phrase; proverb; saying: ~ 云, “将欲取之, 必先与之。” As the saying goes, “Give in order to take.”
❸ (代替语言表示意思的动作或方式) nonlinguistic means of communicating ideas; sign; signal: 灯 ~ lamp signal; 旗 ~ flagsignal; semaphore; 手 ~ dactylology; sign language
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 强 Yu Qiang Ⅱ (说) speak; say: 不言不 ~ not say a word; keep silent; 低 ~ speak in a low voice; whisper; 自言自 ~ talk to oneself
另见 see also yù。
◆语病 faulty wording or formulation; 语词 words and phrases; 语调 {语} intonation; 语法 grammar; syntax; 语根 {计} radix; 语境 context; 语句 sentence; {自} statement; 语气 tone; manner of speaking; {语} mood; 语素 {语} morpheme; 语态 {语} voice; 语体 {语} type of writing; style; 语图 sonagram; sound spectrogram; 语文 Chinese; language (oral and written); language and literature; 语无伦次 ramble in one's statement; incoherent speech; talk [speak] incoherently; utter words that do not hang together;want of order in one's speech; 语系 {语} family of languages; language family; 语序 {语} word order; 语言 language; 语言美 beautification of language; 语言学 linguistics; philolo ̄ gy; 语意 {讯} semanteme; 语义 semanteme; semantics; 语义学 semantics; 语音 speech sounds; pronunciation; voice; 语音识别系统 speech recognition system; 语音学 phonetics; 语用学 pragmatics; 语源学 etymology; 语重心长 sincere words and earnest wishes; grave and earnest in one's speeches; offer weighty advice; speak meaningfully; talk in earnest; 语助词 {语} an auxiliary word that indicates mood; 语族 {语} branch


[书] (告诉) tell; inform: 不以 ~ 人 not to be divulged; ~ 其友 tells his friend
另见 see also yǔ。





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