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❶ (加以不实之辞) accuse falsely
❷ (诬蔑; 诬陷) slander; frame sb.
❸ [书] (夸说; 吹嘘) boast; talk big; lavish praise on oneself or others
❹ [书] (欺骗) deceive; cheat; dupe
❺ [书] (歪曲) distort; misrepresent; twist
❻ [书] (以有为无; 抹煞) blot out; obliterate; write off
◆诬告 lodge a false accusation (against ...); bring a false charge (against ...); trump up a charge (against ...); 诬告反坐 False charges will bring upon the accuser the same punishment which he intends to inflict upon the accused.; 诬告好人 falsely to accuse an innocent man; 诬告陷害 false charge or frame-up; 诬害 injure by spreading false reports about; calumniate; malign; frame sb. up; defame sb.; 诬赖 inculpate; falsely incriminate; 诬良为盗 accuse an innocent person of theft; brand sb. as a thief [robber]; traduce an honest man; 诬蔑 slander; vilify; smear; calumniate; defile; sully; 诬人作贼 falsely to accuse sb. of being a thief; accuse sb. of theft [stealing]; 诬陷 frame a case against; frame sb. up; make false charge against sb.





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