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❶ (悲惨;凄惨) miserable;pitiful;wretched;tragic: ~ 遭不幸 die a tragic death;
她在车祸中死得很 ~,年仅十八。 Her death in the car accident was tragic:she was only 18.
❷ (程度严重;利害) to a serious degree;disastrous: 输得很 ~ suffer a devastating defeat in a match
❸ (凶恶;狠毒) cruel;savage;inhuman: ~ 无人道 inhuman;brutal
◆惨案 massacre (政治性的);(凶杀) murder case;tragic case;tragedy;
惨白 dreadfully [ghastly] pale;pale;dim;gloomy;faint;
惨败 crushing defeat;disastrous defeat;suffer a crushing or disastrous defeat;
惨变 tragic change;tragedy;disastrous turn of events;
惨不忍睹 too horrible [ghastly] to look at;could not bear the sight;so horrible that one could hardly bear to look at it;so miserable that one cannot bear seeing it;
惨淡 gloomy;dismal;bleak;
惨毒 brutal and vicious;ruthless and venomous;
惨祸 horrible disaster;frightful calamity;
惨叫 screech;give out sad,shrill cries;
惨境 miserable condition;tragic circumstances;dire straits;
惨剧 tragic event;tragedy;calamity;
惨绝人寰 tragic beyond compare in this human world;a rare tragedy on earth;most shocking in the human world;so miserable that it can hardly be found in human life — extremely pitiful;extremely tragic;extremely brutal;
惨[黪]绿少年 a young man in dark-green — a handsome young man;the young people who have refined manners;
惨然 saddened;grieved;sad;bemoaned;
惨杀 kill by cruel or violent means;slaughter;massacre;murder;
惨死 die a tragic death;meet with a tragic death;die distressingly;
惨痛 deeply grieved;painful;agonizing;bitter;
惨无人道 be brutal and inhuman [callous];be very cruel and inhuman;cold-blooded;cruel;brutal;grievous;
惨笑 wan smile;smile wanly;
惨遭不幸 die a tragic death;meet a sad end;poor death;suffer tragedy;
惨重 heavy;grievous;disastrous;calamitous;
惨状 miserable condition;pitiful sight





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