释义 |
不出所料bù chū suǒ liàoas one expects (/expected); (turn out/happen) (just) as anticipated(/foreseen/expected/predicated); not at all surprising; not unexpected; within expectation ❍ ~,说一晚上没有睡,要改行,说工厂工作干不了。(夏衍《考验》72) As we expected,he said he didn’t sleep all night,and wanted to change his job. He said factory work was beyond him. ❍ 不出李承仪所料,听完他的报告,伪师长崔相弼顿时青筋暴起,把头上那顶夏季将军帽一摔,一步一步向李承仪逼近过来:……(杨佩瑾《剑》164)As Li expected,his report made the divisional commander furious. Tossing off his general’s summer cap,he approached Li step by step. ❍ 等轮渡划子靠了岸,旅客下船时,果然~,两个家伙正在盘查往来过江的旅客。(《罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》30) Her doubts were not unfounded. As soon as the ferry reached the landing,the two fellows began to search the pas sengers as they embarked. 不出所料bù chū suǒ liào没有超出预料。as expected, not at all surprising, within expection, true to form, like a dream, not unexpected |