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单词 不分昼夜

不分昼夜bù fēn zhòu yè

day and night;throughout the day and the night
❍ 到过枣庄的人,都会感到这里的煤烟气味很重,煤矿上那几柱大烟囱,~的“咕吐,咕吐”喷吐着黑烟,棉絮似的烟雾,在山样的煤堆上空团团乱转。(知侠《铁道游击队》 1) Those who have been to Zaozhuang will remember the atmosphere heavy with coal dust and smoke. As I recall it,day and night the huge colliery smoke-stacks belched out,puffs of black smoke,which swirled into the fleecy clusters of clouds hovering above the huge coal hills.
❍ 胡仰带着他的反共自卫队和各乡的反共自卫队,加上鬼子配合着,~的在湖边清乡了。(知侠《铁道游击队》532) Hu Yang,accompanied by all the Self-protection Corps under his command and reinforced by some Japanese units,started scouring the lakeside,continuing the search throughout the day and the night.





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