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单词 benefit
释义 benefit /'bemfit; 'benafit/ n 1 [U] advantage; profit; help: 利益; 益处; 裨益; 帮助: Did you get much ~ from your holiday, did you feel better afterwards? 你的假期是否对你有很大的益处? The book wasn't of much ~ to me, didn't help me much. 这本书对我没有多大益处。 The money is to be used for the ~ of the poor, to help poor people. 该款将用以救助贫困。 It was done for your to help you. 这事情是为了你的利益而做的。 give sb the ~ of the doubt, assume that he is innocent because there is insufficient evidence that he is guilty. 因无充分的证据证明某人有罪而假定其无罪; 对某人之嫌疑作善意解释。 ~ in kind.。kind1 (4). '~ performance / concert / match, theatrical performance/concert/cricket or football match, etc, money for which is for the ~ of a charity, a particular player, etc. (H 慈善事业,或某一演员、球员等卸款的) 义演 (慈善音乐会,义赛) 。 2 [C] act of kindness; favour; advantage: 善行; 恩惠; 利益: the ~s of a good education; 良好窍盲南利益; the ~s we receive from our parents and teachers. 我们所受之于父母及师长的恩惠。 3 [C] allowance of money to which a person is entitled as a citizen or as a member of an insurance society, etc: (以公民或投保人等身份而有资格领取之) 救济金; 保险给付; 津贴: medical/unemployment/sickness ~s. 图疗 (失业,疾病) 津贴。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A] do good to: 有益于; 对…有益: The new railway will ~ the district. 新铁路对于该地区将有裨益。 The sea air will ~ you. 海上的空气将对你有益。 2 [VP3A] ~ from/ by, receive ~ from/by: 得食于; 自…获益: You wiH~ by a holiday. 度假将看益于你。




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