释义 |
喜出望外xǐ chū wàng wàibe happy (/joyous/elated/delighted/glad) beyond expectation; be overjoyed; be overwhelmed with delight and ecstasy;be pleasantly surprised; with unexpected joy; be in(/go into) raptures ❍ 这几个钳工出身的战士~,他们把鹤见洞战斗中缴获的一挺坏了击发装置和轮子的重机枪拖了出来,准备大显身手,把它们修复投入战斗。(杨佩瑾《剑》 183) Still immensely pleased,they now pulled out a heavy machine-gun whose striker and wheel were damaged - a gun captured from the enemy during the fighting at Hakgyondong-and were about to exercise their skills by repairing it and putting it into commission once more. ❍ 木耐见了萧云仙,~,叩请了安,忙将萧云仙请进衙署,住了一宿。(《儒林外史》466)He was in raptures at the sight of Xiao,asked after his health,and insisted on taking him at once to his office to spend the night. ❍ 那位大学生~,一意同女郎谈话,艺术美育等等说了一大堆。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》299)The student was more pleased to see them than they had expected but devoted all his attention to the girl he talked a whole lot about art and aesthetics and so on,…/三姐儿~,连忙收了,挂在自己绣房床上,……(《红楼梦》861) Overjoyed,she hastily took them to her chamber to hang them on the wall over her bed. ❍ 伊不由的~,立刻将那些山都搁在他们的脊梁上,嘱咐道,“给我驼到平稳点的地方去罢?”(鲁迅《故事新编·补天》 9)Surprised and pleased,she lost no time in putting the mountains on their backs and giving the order: “Take them to some quieter place!” 喜出望外be overjoyed(/pleasantly surprised) 喜出望外be pleasantly surprised;be overjoyed at unexpected good news 喜出望外xǐ chū wànɡ wài望:希望,意料。形容出乎意料地高兴。be overjoyed, be all smiles, radiant with joy, be pleasantly surprised |