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单词 喜从天降

喜从天降xǐ cóng tiān jiàng

heaven-sent fortune;a gift from the gods; an unexpected piece of good fortune; a sudden unexpected happy event; a stroke of luck
❍ 鲍廷玺~,就同阿三一直走到淮清桥抚院公馆前。(《儒林外史》324) This was a stroke of luck! Tingxi went with Asan to the hostel at Huaiqing Bridge.
❍ 恩波自~,浴罢妆成趋彩仗。(洪昇《长生殿》2) How happy I am at this stroke of fortune! I have bathed and am joining the royal retinue.
❍ 匡超人~,捧了这个帖子去向父亲说了,太公也欢喜。(《儒林外史》205) Kuang Chaoren was overjoyed. And when he showed his father the card and told him what had happened,the old man was happy too.
❍ 王义安听见汤大老爷府里两位公子来,~,……(《儒林外史》487) When Wang heard the brigade general’s sons were coming,he could hardly contain himself for joy.
❍ 张顺见了宋江,~。(《水浒全传》508) Zhang Shun saw Song Jiang and his happiness was as though it had dropped down from Heaven.

喜从天降xi cong tian jiang

unexpected piece of good fortune

喜从天降xǐ cónɡ tiān jiànɡ

喜事从天上突然掉下来。形容碰到意想不到的喜事。an unexpected gladness, a gift from the gods, heaven-sent for tune





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