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单词 悲喜交集

悲喜交集bēi xǐ jiāo jí

alternate between joy and grief; be overcome partly with sorrow and partly with joy;be torn between sorrow and joy;joy and sorrow intermingle (/mingle); joy (/delight) tempered with grief (/sadness/sorrow); with mingled (/mixed) feelings of joy and grief
❍ 那位甄老爷一见,便~;……(《红楼梦》)1465) Their reunion filled Mr Zhen with mixed joy and sorrow.
❍ 岂知身后说话的并非别人,却是晴雯。宝玉一见,~,…… (《红楼梦》1484)Turning to run,he found Qingwen behind him and torn between sorrow and joy appealed to her…/玄德~,引二人见曹操,便随操入徐州。(《三国演义》169) In Xuande’s heart sadness and joy intermingled. Next they were presented to Cao Cao,and with him they went into the captured city.
❍ 见面时彼此~,未免大哭一场,又致庆慰之词。(《红楼梦》176) But the joy of their reunion was tempered by grief. After a storm of weeping they exchanged condolences and congratu lations.

悲喜交集bei xi jiao ji

mixed feelings of grief and joy


mixed feelings of grief and joy;grief and joy intermingled;joy tempered with sorrow

悲喜交集bēi xǐ jiāo jí

义同“悲喜交并”。same as“悲喜交并”。





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