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单词 温柔敦厚

温柔敦厚wēn róu dūn hòu

gentle and kind; good-natured
❍ 你瞧,这是什么话? ~才是诗。(鲁迅《故事新编·采薇》 67) I ask you,what kind of rot is that?Poetry must be humane and pure.
❍ 这两首诗,还有其他的诗如《答王十二寒夜独酌有怀》之类,彻底打破了“~”的老教条,正突出了李白的积极性的一面,断为伪作是老教条的幽灵在作怪。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》177) These two and some others like My thoughts While Drinking Alone in a Cold Night and A Reply to Wang are a thorough revolt against the convention of trying to be“kind but moderate and restrained”in the presentation of feelings in verse making They reveal to us the positive aspect of Li Po. The above verdict was undoubtedly passed under the influence of the ghostlyold dogmas in poetry writing.

温柔敦厚wēn róu dūn hòu

敦厚:心地宽厚。形容为人温和柔顺,诚恳宽厚。gentle and kindly, good-natured, tender and gentle





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