释义 |
怨天恨地怨天怨地yuàn tiān hèn dìblame the heaven and curse the earth—full of resentment(/grievances) ❍ 我要把窦娥写得悲愤慷慨,她~,发下三个誓愿,头落之后她要血溅旗杆,六月下雪,三年不雨。(田汉 《关汉卿》27) In the hour of death she is so overwhelmed with anger and so full of revenge that she vows her three wishes will be granted—that her blood will gush up and splash over the streamer on the flag-pole,that snow will fall in the Sixth Moon and that there will be a drought for three long years. ❍ 老实说,这些大人、老爷们就怕刺痛当官的,至于~他们觉得事不关己,也就带过去了。(田汉《关汉卿》55) To tell you the truth,these officials are extremely touchy about any ridicule cast on officialdom. They don’t mind your grievances against heaven and earth so much,for they feel it’s none of their business./ “谁知那挨刀鬼钻到哪个黑窟窿去啦!”桃叶妈怨天怨地的骂着。(王汶石 《风雪之夜》 181) “Who knows where he’s burrowed into,” said Ma plaintively. |