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单词 怡然自得

怡然自得yí rán zì dé

carefree; complacent;happy and contented; happy and pleased with oneself
❍ 楼上传来咳嗽声。梅佐贤从~的境地跳了出来,他连忙熄灭了烟,站起来拍一拍刚才落在西装裤子上的烟灰,整了一下玫瑰红的领带。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—3) A cough from upstairs brought Mei Zuoxian out of his carefree reverie with a start;he hastily stabbed out his cigarette,stood up to brush the cigarette ash off his trousers and adjusted his rose-red tie.
❍ 因歪在床上,心内~。(《红楼梦》546) He therefore curled up on his bed feeling very pleased with himself.
❍ 左边的墙壁上凹进去一大块,里面放了一个长方形的玻璃鱼缸,十七八条热带小鱼在绿茵茵的水藻中~地游来游去。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—425) An oblong acquarium had been set into the left-hand wall,with seventeen or eighteen small tropical fish swimming placidly to and fro among the green water-weed.

怡然自得yí rán zì dé

怡然:安逸快乐的样子。形容愉快而满足的样子。be happy and pleased with oneself, feel a glow of happiness, devil-may-care





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