释义 |
怀才不遇huái cái bù yùone’s worth is unrec ognized;have unrecognized talents (/genius) ❍ 而“当世滔滔,斯人谁与?竟使一个寒儒,~,公卿大夫竟无一识我之人,反不若青楼女子,竟有慧眼识英雄于未遇时也。”(鲁迅《中国小说史略》231) But “Where in all the world can such a one be found? The poor scholar is frustrated,for all his talent. Not one high official recognizes his worth. Only the singsong girls sometimes have the intelligence to recognize a great man before he achieves success.”/他们都在壮年,而且是~,目空一切。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》156)They were in the prime of life,talented,proud of themselves,but ignored by the court. ❍ 古来很有几位恨恨而死的人物。他们一面说些“~”“天道宁论”的话,一面有钱的更狂嫖滥赌,没钱的便喝几十碗酒,——因为不平的缘故,于是后来就恨恨而死了。(鲁迅《热风·随感录六十二,恨恨而死》58) Since ancient times quite a few people have died in bitterness. “My worth is unrecognized,” they say,or “Heaven knows no justice.” But at the same time they go whoring and gambling if they have money,and drink dozens of bowls of wine if they have none—because of their indignation. And finally they die in bitterness. ❍ 屋中间的圆桌还在,先前曾经常常围绕着忧郁慷慨的青年,~的奇士和腌臜吵闹的孩子们的,现在却见得很闲静,只在面上蒙着一层薄薄的灰尘。(鲁迅《彷徨·孤独者》98) The middle of the room was still occupied by the table around which those woeful and gallant young men,unrecognized geniuses,and dirty,noisy children had formerly gathered. Now it all seemed very quiet,and there was a thin layer of dust on the table. 怀才不遇huai cai bu yuhave unrecognized talents 怀才不遇huái cái bù yù比喻人有才能却得不到重用。have talent but no opportunity to use it, have unrecognized talents, one’s worth is unrecognized; be frustrated, for all one’s talent |