释义 |
唱chànɡⅠ ❶ (唱歌) sing: 独 ~ solo; 齐 ~ sing in unison; 她 ~ 着悲伤的歌。 She sang a sad song. ❷ (大声叫) call;cry: 鸡 ~ 三遍。 The cock has crowed for the third time. Ⅱ ❶ (歌曲;唱词) ditty;a song or a singing part of a Chinese opera: 小 ~ ditty ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 翰 Chang Han ◆唱白脸 wear the white makeup of the stage villain;play the villain;pretend to be harsh and severe; 唱本 the libretto or script of a ballad-singer; 唱词 libretto;words of a ballad;the libretto [script] of a ballad-singer; 唱独角戏 play a monodrama;put on a one-man-show — do the work alone [all by oneself];do a thing alone; 唱段 aria; 唱对台戏 stage [put on;put up] a rival show;act (quite) the opposite;challenge sb. with opposing views;compete [emulate;vie] with sb. with a countermeasure;set up a rival stage;set up a rival stage in opposition to;sing different tunes;enter into rivalry;sing in discord with; 唱反调 sing a different tune;deliberately speak or act contrary to;strike up a discordant tune; 唱高调 use high-flown words;use high-sounding words;talk big;mouth high-sounding words;affect a high moral tone;chant bombastic words; 唱歌 sing (a song); 唱工[功] {剧} art of singing;singing; 唱和 (一人唱,别人和 ) one singing a song and the others joining in the chorus;(一人做诗词,别人相应作答) one person writing a poem to which one or more other people reply,usu. using the same rhyme sequence; 唱红脸 wear the red makeup of the stage hero;play the hero;pretend to be generous and kind; 唱机 gramophone;phonograph;player; 唱老调(子) sing the same old song;harp on the same string;beat over the same old ground; 唱名 (按照名册高声点名) roll call; {音} sol-fa syllables; 唱名法 {音} sol-fa;solmization;the Syllabes of solmization; 唱片 gramophone [phonograph] record;phonorecord;platter;record;waxing;disc;disk;[俚] biscuit; 唱票 call out the names of those voted for while counting ballot-slips; 唱腔 {剧} music for voices in a Chinese opera; 唱喏 [方] (作揖) make a bow with hands folded in front; 唱诗班 {宗} choir; 唱双簧 (曲艺) give a two-man comic show,with one speaking or singing while hiding behind the other who does the acting;one sings while the other acts;(互相配合) collaborate with each other; 唱头 pickup; 唱戏 [口] act in an opera; 唱针 style;stylos,stylus;needle;phonograph needle;reproducing stylus;reproducing needle;gramophone needle; 唱做念打 {剧} singing,acting,recitation and acrobatics;singing,elocution,acting and acroba ̄tics;singing,dialogue,acting or fighting |