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单词 bark
释义 bark2 /ba:k; bark/ n the cry made by dogs and foxes; (fig) sound of gunfire, or of a cough. 狗及狐狸的叫声; 吠声; (喻) 炮火声; 咳嗽声。 His - is worse than his bite, He is bad-tempered but not dangerous or (fig) malicious. 他的脾气很坏,但心地不恶。 vi, vt \\1 [VP2A, C, 3A] (of dogs, etc) give a ~ or ~s: (指狗等 j 吠叫: The dog ~s at strangers. 狗对陌生人晩叫。 ~ up the wrong tree, (fig) direct one's complaint, accusation, etc wrongly. (喻) 弄错了抱怨、控诉等的对象。 2 [VP6A, 15B] say (sth) in a sharp, commanding voice: 以严底而成严的声音说出; 咆哮着说出; 吼叫: The officer out his orders. 军官以严厉而威严的声音发出命令。 'Come here!' he ~ed (out). '来这里!'他吼叫着。




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