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单词 jack


◇jack down顶下
jack up提高价格,增长,上涨
‖ jack bit普通人,男人,水手,勤杂工/v.顶起,举起,增加,提高
jack box配电箱
Jack Johnson重型炮弹
jack ladder索梯,软梯
jack lamp安全灯
jack-of-all trades钻头,剧组勤杂人员
jack screwing抬高市价
jack shaft中间轴,盲井
jack staff船(舰)首旗杆,水手,起重器,千斤顶,增加
jack tar水手,水兵
jackboot n.长筒靴
jack-ladder n.索梯
jacklamp n.安全灯
jack-leg adj.外行的,不择手段,万能者,万事通,普通人,插座,弹簧开关
jack-of-one-trade n. 只懂本专业的人,不择手段者


1. (term of contempt) low-born fellow,saucy fellow,impudent rascal,knave,clown(鄙称)下贱的东西,无礼的家伙,无耻的流氓,无赖,小丑。
△ Shr.2.1.159 (158):“twangling Jack”,拉琴的瘪三。
△Wiv.1.4.122(117):“I vill (i.e. will) kill the Jack priest;”我要杀死那个下流牧师。
△Wiv.2.3.32 (31): “By gar,he is de cowardJack priest of de vorld;”哼,他是世界上最没种、最无耻的牧师。
△Mer.3.4. 77:“bragging Jacks”,爱吹牛的家伙们。
△Ado.5.1.91: “Boys,apes,braggarts,Jacks,milksops!”孩子,猴子,说大话的人,流氓,懦夫!
△Rom. 2.4.161(151):“and twenty such Jacks;”哪怕二十个像他这样的家伙。
△Rom.3.1.12 (11): “Come,come,thou art ashot a Jack in thy mood as any in Italy,”算了,算了,你的暴躁脾气比得上意大利的任何一个人。
△1H.IV.2.4.11:“and tell me flatly I am no proud Jack like Falstaff,”还直爽地告诉我,我不是像福斯塔夫那样骄傲的家伙。
△1H.IV.3.3.98 (85):“How? The Prince is a Jack,”什么? 太子是个流氓。
△1H.IV.3.3.156 (138): “Nay,my lord,hecalled you Jack,and said he would cudgel you.”不,殿下,他骂你是流氓,还说他要拿棍子揍你。
△1H.IV.5.4.142(138): “but if I be not Jack Falstaff,then am I aJack.”可是我要不是杰克·福斯塔夫,那我就是孙子。(吴兴华译文)
△R.III. 1.3.52:“But thus his simple truth mustbe abused / With silken,sly,in sinuating Jacks?”他这单纯的忠诚本性就一定要这样被那些娇里娇气、狡诈、爱阿谀奉承的下贱东西们所歪曲吗?
△R.III.1.3. 72 (71): “Since ev-ery Jack became a gentleman,/ There’s many a gen-tle person made a Jack.” 既然每一个下贱人都变成了高贵人,许多高贵人自然要被降低为下贱人了。
2. leather drinking vessel皮酒罐。
△Shr.4.1.51 (49): “Be theJacks fair within,”大酒壶里边擦干净了没有?
3.i.e. Jack of the clock,figureof a man on a clock,whichstrikes the bell for the hours时钟上敲钟报时的小人。
△ R.III.4.2.113 (114):“Because that like aJack thou keep’st the stroke Betwixt thy begging and mymeditation.”你就像时钟上的那个小人,在你的请求和我的沉思之间不断敲个不停。
Phrases & Expressions:
Jack and Jill: Jack,a man; Jill,a woman杰克,吉尔,英国男女常用之名,代表普通男女。
△Mid.3.2.461:“Jack shall have Jill;/ Nought shallgo ill;”杰克娶吉尔,一点没有错儿。(英国谚语:“All shall bewell,Jack shall have Jill .”)

Jack o’the clock

“Jack,boy! ho,boy!”: The beginning of an old song—“Jack boy,ho boy,news: The cat is in the well.”引用一首小调的开头:“杰克,孩子! 喂,孩子! 听消息:猫儿掉在水井里。”
△Shr.4.1.43 (41):“Why,‘Jack,boy! ho,boy!’ and as much news as thou wilt.”好吧,“杰克,孩子! 喂,孩子!”你要多少新闻有多少新闻。
Jack out of office: person who has been dismissedfrom his office,dismissed fellow with nothing to do遣散人员,遣散无事可干的人。
△1H.VI.1.1.175:“But longI will not be Jack out of office.”但是我可不愿意长期做个闲散人员。
Jack sauce: saucy knave,impudent low-bred fellow,impudent rascal粗鲁的无赖,粗俗无礼的家伙,无礼的流氓。
△H.V.4.7.147(140):“If he be perjured,see younow,his reputation is as arrant a villain and a Jack sauce,”只要他违背誓言,你现在瞧吧,他的名声就跟一个可恶的坏蛋、无礼的流氓一样。




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