得déⅠ ❶ (得到) get;obtain;gain:光靠等待是什么也 ~ 不到的。 There is nothing to be gained by merely waiting. 今天的幸福生活 ~ 来不易。 The happy life we have today was not easily won. 她在花式跳水中 ~ 了最高分。 She got the highest score in fancy diving. 我们 ~ 了一笔政府贷款。 We obtained a loan from the government. ❷ (演算产生结果) (of a calculation) result in:3加2 ~ 5。 Three plus two is five. ❸ (染上疾病) take;catch:~ 病 be taken ill;fall ill; 快到年底时他 ~ 了腥红热。 Towards the end of the year he caught scarlet fever. 我的胃病就是这么 ~ 的。 That was how I got my gastric trouble. ❹ [口] (完成) be finished;be ready:饭 ~ 了。 Dinner is ready. 那幢房子快要建 ~ 了。 The house will soon be finished. ❺ (用在别的动词前,表示许可):这笔钱非经批准不 ~ 动用。 This fund may not be drawn on without permission. Ⅱ [口] ❶ (表示同意或禁止): ~,就这么办。 All right! Just go ahead. ~ 了,别再说了。 That's enough. Let it go at that. ❷ (用于情况变坏时,表示无可奈何): ~,又搞错了! Look! I've got it wrong again! Ⅲ ❶ (适合) fit;proper:~ 用 fit for use;handy ❷ [书] (得意) satisfied;complacent:扬扬自 ~ be very pleased with oneself;be complacent Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname:~ 来 De Lai 另见 see also de;děi。 ◆得便 when it's convenient; 得病 fall ill;be ill; 得不偿失 The loss outweighs the gain.;Gains cannot make up for losses.;lose more than gain;more kicks than halfpence;pay (too dear) for one's whistle;The game is not worth the candle.;Give a lark to catch a kite.;What is gained does not make up for what is lost.; 得逞 [贬] have one's way;prevail;succeed; 得宠 [贬] find favour with sb.;be in sb.'s good graces;have an in; 得出 reach (a conclusion);obtain (a result); 得寸进尺 reach out for a yard after taking an inch — be insatiable;give him an inch and he'll take an ell;Much will have more.;The more gets,the more wants.; 得当 apt;appropriate;proper;suitable; 得到 get;obtain;gain;receive; 得道多助,失道寡助 A just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little support.;A just cause has many helpers while an unjust one finds few followers.; 得法 do sth. in the proper way;get the knack; 得分 score; 得过且过 muddle along;drift along;get by however one can;If it can pass,pass it.;let [leave] well enough alone; 得计 succeed in one's scheme; 得济 receive benefits (from the younger generation); 得奖 win a prize;be awarded a prize; 得头等奖 gain the first prize; 得劲 (舒服) feel well;(方便;好用;适合) fit for use;handy; 得救 be saved [rescued];得空 have leisure;be free; 得力 (得益) benefit from;(得到帮助) get help from;(有能力) capable;efficient;competent; 得了 stop it;hold it; 得气 {中医} bring about the desired sensation (in acupuncture treatment); 得人心 popular;beloved and supported by the people; 得人者昌,失人者亡 He who wins men,prospers;he who loses them,fails.; 得胜 win a victory;bear away the bell;bring home the bacon;come through with flying colours;triumph; 得失 (所得和所失) gain and loss;success and failure;(利弊) advantages and disadvantages; 得势 (掌权) be in power;(有影响) get the upper hand;be in the ascendant; 得手 go smoothly;come off;do fine;succeed; 得数 answer;solution; 得体 befitting one's position or suited to the occasion;appropriate; 得天独厚 be richly endowed by nature;abound in gifts of nature;with particularly favourable natural conditions;be born under a lucky star;enjoy exceptional advantages; 得悉 hear of;learn about; 得闲 have leisure;be at leisure;be free; 得心应手 what the heart wishes one's hands accomplish;with facility;with high proficiency;serviceable;handy; 得宜 proper;appropriate;suitable; 得以 so that ... can ...;so that ... may ...; 得意 proud of oneself ;pleased with oneself;complacent; 得意门生 favourite pupil; 得意忘形 get [grow] dizzy with success;become highly conceited;be on cloud nine;elated to the degree of forgetting one's form;go wild with joy;have one's head turned by success;lose all bearings in a moment of pride and satisfaction;puffed up with pride; 得意洋洋[扬扬] feel oneself highly flattered;be heaved [transported] with joy;cheerful and confident;have one's nose in the air;have one's tail up;look like the cat that eats the canary;on the high ropes;proud and self-satisfied;walk on air; 得益 benefit;profit; 得用 capable;competent; 得鱼忘荃[筌] forget the trap as soon as the fish is caught — forget the means by which the end is attained;forget the things or conditions which bring one success;ingratitude; 得知 be informed of; 得志 achieve one's ambition;have a successful career; 得主 winner;recipient; 得罪 offend;displease
得de ❶(用在动词后面,表示能够或可以):她去 ~,我为什么去不 ~ ? If she can go,why can't I go? 这种蘑菇吃 ~,那种吃不 ~。 This kind of mushroom is edible but that kind is not. ❷ (用在动词和补语中间,表示可能):听 ~ 懂 be able to understand; 那办 ~ 到。 That can be done. 她回 ~ 来吗? Can she get back? ❸ (用在动词或形容词后面,连接表示程度或结果的补语):唱 ~ 不好 not sing well; 冷 ~ 打哆嗦 shiver with cold; 笑 ~ 肚子痛 laugh till one's sides split; 雪下 ~ 很大。 It's snowing heavily. 另见 see also dé;děi。
得děi ❶ (需要) need:从我家走到学校 ~ 20分钟。 It takes me twenty minutes to walk from my home to the school. 这个工程 ~ 3个月才能完。 This project will take three months to complete. ❷ (必须;必要) must;have to:~ 用功 must be more studious; 你 ~ 认真考虑一下。 You must think it over seriously. 我 ~ 马上回去。 I must be going back at once. 我 ~ 事先告诉他。 I have to tell him in advance. ❸ (表示揣测的必然) be sure to:要不快走,我们就 ~ 迟到。 We'll be late if we don't hurry. 另见 see also dé;de。 |