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单词 绝处逢生

绝处逢生绝路逢生jué chù féng shēng

be unexpectedly rescued from a desparate situation; find fresh hope when all seems utterly lost
❍ 我听到这句话,犹如绝路逢生,心中第一次生出了感激之情。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》413) I was as happy as if I had been saved from certain death,and felt grateful for the first time in my life.
❍ 林道静的心里渐渐充满了一种青春的喜悦,一种~的欣幸。(杨沫《青春之歌》 43)Daojing’s heart slowly filled with the hopefulness of youth,and the happiness of one who has found fresh hope when all seemed utterly lost.

绝处逢生jué chù fénɡ shēnɡ

绝处:死路。在身处绝境时,得到了一条生路。be unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation, find fresh hope when all seems utterly lost, be alive in desperation





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更新时间:2025/3/7 10:23:35