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单词 徇情枉法

徇情枉法xùn qíng wǎng fǎ

bend the law for the benefit of one’s relatives or friends;twist the law to suit one’s own purpose
❍ 雨村便~胡乱判断了此案,冯家得了许多烧埋银子,也就无甚话说了。(《红楼梦》47)❶So Yucun twisted the law to suit his own purpose and passed arbitrary judgement. The Fengs received a large sum for funeral expenses and made no further objections.
❷By a judicious bending of the law to suit the circumstances,Yucun managed to arrive at some sort of judgment whereby the plaintiffs received substantial compensation and went off tolerably well satisfied.

徇情枉法xùn qínɡ wǎnɡ fǎ

徇:曲从;枉:歪曲、违背。形容为了照顾私情而违法乱纪。bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends, bend the law to help one’s friends or relatives





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