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单词 once
once/wʌns/ advconj & n

adv(1)(仅仅)一次(one time only):~a day/a week/a year 一天/周/年一次;~bittentwice shy (prov) 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳;He'd met her only~but he remembered her.他只见过她一次,却记住了她。Some trees only bear fruit~every twenty years.有些树20年才结一次果。We've been to Europe~.我们去过一次欧洲。〖反〗never,numerously,regularly;

(2)一度,曾经;过去,从前(at a time in the past;formerly):I~wanted to be a doctor.我曾经想当医生。She was~my best friend.她曾是我最好的朋友。O~dinosaurs walked on these plains.从前恐龙曾在这片荒原上行走。This detective story was~very popular but nobody reads it today.这部侦探小说从前很受欢迎,可是现在没有人看了。I was a little kid~too.我也曾是个小孩子。〖同〗formerly,previously;〖反〗hereafter;

(3)根本,即使一次(ever;at alleven for one time)(同于neg或interr):I have not seen him here~.我在这里一次也没见到过他。Don't~leave today's work for tomorrow.今日事,今日毕。

all at once 突然:All at~he leaped to his feet.他突然跳了起来。

at once 1)立刻(即),马上:Come here at~! 马上到这儿来! 2)同时:Everything happened at~.所有的事都一起发生了。

(just) for once;just this once 仅此一次,下不为例:He doesn't usually allow people to leave work early but he'll let you do it just for~.他通常不准许员工早退,但这次他破例让你早走。

get/give sb/sth the once-over 粗略检查或察看:I haven't got much time but I'll give your report the~-over.我时间不多,但我会大致看一看你的报告。

once again;once more 再一次:If you're late~again,you'll lose your job.如果你再迟到的话,就会失去你的工作。

once and for all 一劳永逸地,永远地,彻底地:We have decided to settle the matter~and for all.我们决定一劳永逸地解决这个问题。

once in a blue moon 极少,从不(infml): Coin collecting is interesting,but you find a valuable coin only~in a blue moon.集硬币很有趣,但是发现有价值的硬币却是难上难。

(every) once in a while 偶尔,间或:They go out together~in a while but not very often.他们偶尔一起出去,但不是很经常。

once or twice 一两次:I don't really know him — I've only met him~or twice.我不大认识他,我只见过他一两次。

once too often 多次幸免(成功)这次遭殃(受挫):He exceeded the speed limit~too often and was fined.他再次超速开车,这次被罚了款。

once upon a time 从前……;古时候……(用于童话故事开头):O~upon a time there was a king whose name was Miles... 从前有一个国王名叫迈尔斯……

conj 一旦;一……就……(as soon as;when):O~you began you could not stop.你一旦开始就不能停止。O~you've learned the method it will be easy.你一旦学会了方法,就会很容易。

n 这一次;一次(the one time;on one occassion)(infml)[Uthe/this~]:O~is enough.一次足矣。You must be patient;just this~.你一定要耐心,就这一次。I met her just the~.我见到她仅此一次。





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