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单词 influence
influence/′ɪnfluǝns/ n [-s/ ɪz/;vt [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)影响(力),作用(power to affect peopleactions or events)[Ua~][N(on)]:exercise(exert/have/produce)a bad/good/negative/positive /slight /strong/baneful/beneficial~on sb 对某人施加(施加/有/产生)坏/好/消极/积极/很小/很大/恶劣/有益的影响;use/widen/lose one's~利用/扩大/失去自己的影响(力);consolidate/strengthen one's~巩固/加强自己的影响;counteract/curb/lessen/offset/neutralize sb's~抵制/抑制/削弱/抵消/抵消某人的影响;far-reaching /effective /destructive /favourable/harmful/powerful/profound/wholesome/wide-spread~深远/有效/破坏性/有利/有害/有力/深刻/健康(有益)/广泛的影响;improving/inspiring/moderating /softening /soothing~改善/鼓舞/缓和/软化/抚慰作用;cultural/moral/economic/political/parental~文化/道德/经济/政治/父母的影响;be charged with driving under the~of liquor/alcohol 被指控酒后开车;be under the~of terror/drugs 在恐惧/毒品的影响下;under the~of an idea/sb's agitation/modern life 受某种思想/某人的煽动/现代生活的影响;

(2)自然力(action of natural forces)[U]:the~of climate/rain/sunshine/the moon on agricultural production/plants/people's health/the tides 气候/雨水/阳光/月球对农业生产/植物/人们的健康/潮汐的影响;

(3)有影响的人或事(person or thing that has power or causes an effect)[C] [N(on)]:~s in European art/politics 在欧洲艺术方面/政界有影响的人物;be subject to many~s 受许多因素的影响;~s for good/evil影响行善/作恶的人;His friends were a bad~on him. 他的朋友对他影响不好。 Heredity and environment are~s on characters. 遗传和环境是影响性格的因素;

(4)权势,势力(ability of a person or group to produce effects indirectly by means of power based on wealthhigh positionetc)[U] [N(with)]:a man of great~很有权势的人;within sb's sphere of~在某人的势力范围内;They have great~with the government. 他们对政府有很大的影响力。Could you use your~with him to get me a job? 你能利用对他的影响给我找份工作吗? They have enough~to get the bill passed. 他们有足够的势力使这一提案得以通过。

(5)支配(控制)力(power to control sb's behaviour)[U] [N(over)]:have some (little)~over sb/sb's affairs/what sb does 有一些(没有什么)左右某人/某人的事/某人做什么的能力;

vt (1)影响,支配(have an effect on;have power over)[T+n]:~sb or sth deeply/profoundly/strongly 深深/深刻/强烈地影响某人或某物;What we read~s our thinking. 我们读的书会影响我们的思想。The moon~s the tides. 月球会影响潮汐。 The weather seems to~her moods. 天气好像会影响她的情绪。

(2)促使,劝说(cause or persuade)[C+n+to-inf]:Economic factors~d the government to change the policy. 经济因素促使政府改变了政策。 My father~d me to accept the job. 我父亲劝说我接受那份工作。

→influ′ential adj;






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