prep (1)(指地点)在……里(面)(at a point within the area,volume or shape of sth):the highest mountain (longest river)~the world/Africa/China 世界上/非洲/中国最高的山峰(最长的河流);live~a small village/the south of France/London 住在一个小村庄里/法国的南部/伦敦;children playing~the street/the park 在街上/公园里玩耍的孩子;swimming~the pool/the river/the lake/the sea在游泳池/河/湖/海里游泳;~the corner of a room 在房间的角落里(比较:at/on the corner of the street 在大街的拐角处);sit~a chair 坐在扶手椅子上;have a stick~one's hand 手里拿着手杖;have a cigarette~one's mouth 嘴里叼着香烟;
(2)(指动作)进入(into):put the papers/the photograph~one's briefcase (a drawer/one's pockets) 把文件/照片放进公文包(抽屉/口袋里);get~the car 钻进汽车;go (run)~the house/the room 走(跑)进房子/房间;throw sth~the fire/the wastepaper basket 把……扔进火里/废纸篓里;dip one's pen~the ink 把笔尖浸入墨水里;
(3)a)(指时间)在(during):~the twentieth century 在20世纪;~1996/the 1990's 在1996年/20世纪90年代;~spring/summer/autumn/winter在春/夏/秋/冬季;~January/February/March 在1/2/3月;~the morning/the afternoon/the evening 在上午/下午/晚上;~the past/the future 在过去/将来;b)在……(一段时间)内(within the space of):He learnt to drive (finished the task/wrote the whole book)~three weeks/two months. 他用三周/两个月学会了开车(完成了任务/写完了全书)。Rome was not built~a day.(prov)罗马非朝夕建成。c)在……以后(after):He'll return~a few minutes/hours/days/months. 他将在几分钟/小时/天/个月以后回来。 She is going up to London~three day's time. 她三天后去伦敦。 The concert will begin~an hour from now. 音乐会一小时后开始。
(4)构成整体或一部分,含有(forming the whole or part of sth;contained with):seven days~a week一个星期有七天;100 cents~a dollar 一美元有100美分;There is a cover charge included~the total. 总额里含有服务费。
(5)(指比率)(indicating ratio):a slope/gradient of one~four 一比四的坡度/梯度;taxed at the rate of 12p~the pound 每一英镑须纳税12便士;One~five of the population could not read. 有五分之一的人口不识字。
(6)穿(戴)着(wearing clothes,colours,etc):dressed (clothed)~rags/green衣衫褴褛/穿着绿色的衣服;~uniform/plain clothes/mourning/armour 穿着制服/便衣/丧服/盔甲;~disguise化装;~high-heeled shoes/a silk skirt 穿着高跟鞋/丝绸裙子;a man~spectacles/a hat 带着眼镜/礼帽的男子;
(7)(指环境)(indicating physical surroundings):go out~the rain/the cold/the sun 冒雨/冒着严寒/顶着太阳外出;
(8)(指状态或状况)(indicating state or condition):~order/disorder/a mess 整齐/混乱/乱七八糟;be~poor health/deep poverty/trouble/great confusion 健康不佳/处于极度贫困之中/处于困境/迷惑不解;be~a hurry/a rage 匆匆忙忙/愤怒;be~danger/anger/love/retirement 处于危险之中/气冲冲/在恋爱/退休了;be~a panic/a bad temper惊恐/发脾气 be~good spirits/pain/despair 精神振奋/处于痛苦之中/处于绝望之中;The roses are~bud/flower/bloom 玫瑰含苞欲放/盛开/盛开。They met~public/secret. 他们公开/秘密会面。
(9)(指形式、形状、排列或量)(indicating form,shape,arrangement or quantities):sit (stand)~groups/rows/a circle 三五成群地/一排排地/围成一圈地坐着(站着);a novel~five parts 分为五部分的一本小说;work~twos/threes/pairs 两人一组/三人一组/两人一对地工作;(hair)~a pony-tail(头发)成马尾状;
(10)(指介质,手段,材料) (indicating the medium,means,material,etc):say sth~English/a few words 用英语说/简单地说一说;speak~a loud/low voice 大声/小声地说;write~code/ink/pencil 用密码/墨水/铅笔写;printed~italics/capitals 以斜体/大写字母印刷;paint~oils 用油彩画画;a statue~bronze 青铜制作的塑像;go up~the lift 乘电梯上去;pay~cash 用现金支付(比较:pay by check 用支票支付);
(11)关于,在……方面(with reference to;regarding):be alike (differ)~character/appearance 性格/外表一样(不同);be backward~the techniques 在技术方面落后;be strong (weak)~English/mathematics英语/数学好(不行);~principle/theory/practice 原则上/理论上/实际上;equal~strength/price 力量/价格相等;lacking~courage/common sense 缺乏勇气/常识;a country rich/poor~minerals 矿产丰富/贫乏的国家;be blind~one eye 一只眼失明;four feet~length/depth/diameter 长度/深度/直径为四英尺;There is no point~not telling her. 瞒她是没有道理的。He saw no harm~letting her read those books. 他认为让她读那些书没有害处。
(12)(指职业,活动)(indicating sb's occupation,activity,etc):~the army/navy/air force 在陆军/海军/空军服役;~business/insurance/politics/journalism/computers在商界/保险业/政界/新闻界/电脑业供职;
die/be killed in action 阵亡:He was killed~action in France. 他在法国阵亡。
in that 因为:The budget is unrealistic~that it disregards increased costs. 这个预算不现实,因为它没有考虑成本的增加。
adv (1)(指位置)在里面(within a particular area or volume;inside):run/walk/go/come/fall~跑进/走进/走进/进来/掉进;drink coffee with milk/sugar~喝加牛奶/糖的咖啡;call/ask/have/let sb~叫/请/让/让某人进来;get/move/push/put/throw sth~把某物弄/搬/推/放/扔进来;
(2)(指人)在家(工作地点)(at home or at a place of work):Nobody was~when they called. 他们去拜访时家里没有人。 Let's stay~tonight. 今晚我们待在家里吧。The president isn't~today. 校长今天不在。
(3)(车、船)到达,进站((of vehicles,ships,etc)coming to;arriving at):Is the train~yet? 火车进站了吗? The plane is due~at 6 o'clock. 飞机应该6点钟到。
(4)(指庄稼或畜类)从田里收回(从牧场赶回)(brought back from the fields):get~the crops 收割庄稼;The wheat crop is safely~. 小麦完好无损地收进来了。 The cows will be~for milking in half an hour. 半小时后奶牛就会被赶回来挤奶。
(5)(指潮水)涨到最高位((of the tide)at or towards its highest point on land):It's twelve o'clock. The tide must be~. 12点钟了,潮水一定涨上来了。 The tide is coming~. 正在涨潮。
(6)(指信、明信片等)送(收)到(delivered to the destination;received):Applications must be~by May 31. 申请书必须5月31日前寄到我处。 Papers should be~on Friday afternoon. 论文应于星期五下午交来。
(7)时髦,流行(fashionable,popular):Short skirts are~again 短裙又流行了。Bright colours are~this spring. 今春流行亮丽色。
(8)(水果,鱼等)上市,可买到的((of fruit or fish,etc)on sale or obtainable):New potatoes aren't~yet. 新土豆还没上市。 Apples will soon be~. 苹果很快就上市了。
(9)当政,上台(elected to office):Labour is~and the Conservatives are out. 工党执政,保守党在野。The union president has been~sine 1995. 这位工会主席从1995年当选一直干到现在。If the Workers' Party comes~at the next election,a lot of industry will be state-owned. 要是工党在下次大选中获胜上台,许多工业就会收归国有。
(10)(指一些球类运动)落在界内,进球(inside the boundary lines so as to score a goal):His service was~. 他的发球落在界内。 The ball bounced~.球弹落在界内。 The ball is~—we've got a goal! 球进了——我们得了一分!
be in for (infml)1)将参加:I'm~for the 100 meters/the high jump/an examination.我将参加100米赛跑/跳高比赛/一项考试。2)将经历:I'm afraid we're~for a storm/a summer shower. 恐怕我们要遇上暴风雨/阵雨了。 be~for a nasty shock/a surprise/a difficult time/trouble 会大吃一惊/非常吃惊/日子不好过/遇到麻烦;
be in for it 可能受到惩罚:Stop that noise at once or you'll be~for it. 赶快安静下来,不然你们会受惩罚的。
be/get in on 参与,了解(infml):Most of the staff want to be~on the new pension scheme. 大多数职员想参与新的养老金计划。He is~on her secret. 他知道她的秘密。
be/come/go in and out of 经常进出:During the holiday the children were~and out of the house all day. 在假日里孩子们一天到晚进出不断。
be (well) in with sb 与……要好:He is well~with his boss/the Board of Directors. 他跟老板/董事会的关系很好。
have/get it in for sb想报复,对……怀有恶意(infml):After John beat Ted in a fight,Ted always had it~for John. 约翰打了特德之后,特德总想报复。
day/year in,day/year out 日复一日/年复一年;For a whole year I have worked day~,day out,without a holiday. 整整一年我日复一日地工作,没有假日。
adj (1)里面的,往里的(being within or leading toward inside)[作attrib]:an~patient 住院病人;go through the~door 穿过向里开的那扇门;
(2)流行的,时髦的(popular;fashionable)[作attrib]:an~thing to do 做时髦的事;the~place to dine 时髦的餐馆;
n (1)执政者(a person,group that is in power,in office)[C,通常pl] the~s and the outs 执政党与在野党;The election made him an~. 选举使他上了台。
(2)宠信(favour)[C]:He has an~with the boss. 他得到老板的宠信。 enjoy some sort of~with the manager 得到经理的某种赏识;
the ins and outs (of sth) 1)详情,细节:know all the~s and outs of the plan/a problem/legal procedures 了解这个计划/一个问题/司法程序的详情; 2)(道路的)曲折,(河流的)迂回:the~s and outs of a road 道路的弯弯曲曲;
【辨异】1)in(指时间)与at的区别见AT。 2)in(指地点)与at和on的区别见AT。