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单词 废寝忘食

废寝忘食fèi qǐn wàng shí

be so absorbed (/engrossed/occupied) as to forget food and sleep;forget all about eating and sleeping; go without food and sleep; neglect one’s meals and sleep; too busy to eat or sleep
❍ 我太兴奋了! 太兴奋了! 一兴奋,我就废寝忘餐! (吴强《红日》425) I’m too excited,too excited. The least excitement and all thoughts of sleep or food vanish from my mind.
❍ 我见到我的好些学生这些天为了挽救危急的祖国,那种奔走呼号,~的情况,真叫我这老头子忍不住流下泪来! (杨沫《青春之歌》576) Many of my students,I know,are going without food and sleep to work for the cause. The enthusiasm with which they’re arousing the people to resist the enemy and save our country moves me,old as I am,to tears!/则问那黄昏白昼,两般儿忘食,~几时休?(《关汉卿戏剧集·感天动地窦娥冤》 5) From dawn to dusk I can neither eat nor sleep.
❍ 几十年来,他总是兢兢业业,一丝不苟,~,日以继夜,经常工作到清晨。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ—22) Over the years,he always worked hard,carefully and thoroughly,often to the neglect of his meals or sleep. It was quite common for him to stay up till dawn.


neglect sleep and meals in doing sth;devote oneself wholeheartedly to sth; work day and night without eating or sleeping

废寝忘食fèi qǐn wànɡ shí

比喻非常刻苦,专心致志,顾不上睡觉,也忘记了吃饭。forget food and sleep, neglect one’s meals and rest, too busy to eat or rest





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