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单词 怒气冲天

怒气冲天nù qì chōng tiān

anger rises in one’s temples; be infuriated; give way to unbridled fury;in a black fury; in a towering rage (/passion); be mad with rage
❍ 停了一会,他见玉宝跑远了,这才拖着扁担回来,见旁边站着的一些穷人,一个个都是~,知道不好惹,…… (《高玉宝》33) Turning back then,dragging the carrying-pole behind him,he passed a number of poor people by the roadside; and the anger on every face made him realize it would be dangerous to provoke them further.
❍ 从来不敢摆出都督架子的黎元洪,这一回,不知怎的,~,严责蔡大辅鲁莽无礼不应该,要惩罚他。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—292) Li Yuanhong,who previously had never dared to show off as Military governor,was so infuriated this time that he sternly condemned Cai Dafu’s behaviour as rude and insolent,and insisted upon punishment for him.
❍ 徐鹏飞~,劈手把话筒扔在桌上。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》105) In a black fury,Xu Pengfei flung the receiver on the table.
❍ 秦守本、王茂生、洪东才、张德来他们大怒大骂是不用说了,连张华峰班的大个子马步生也~地叫骂起来: …… (吴强《红日》448) The angry curses that came from Qin Shouben,Wang Mao sheng,Hong Dongcai,Zhang Delai and so on may well be imagined,and even Ma Busheng,the tall fellow in Zhang Huafeng’s section,began shouting in a towering rage: …/秦明~,大驱兵马,投西山边来,山上山下看时,并不见一个人。(《水浒全传》418)General Qin Ming,now mad with rage,galloped again his cavalry to the western hill,but upon arriving there there was not a single bandit to be seen.
❍ 算来只为取经人,~不忍耐。(《西游记》 298) All in all for the scripture pilgrim’s sake,丨They vented their fury without restraint.
❍ 小王气得脖子涨粗了,走到肖队长跟前,~地问道:“你干啥把韩老六放走?”(周立波《暴风骤雨》66) Little Wang was furious and protested to Team Leader Xiao,his neck swelling with indignation:“Why must you let him go?”


be in a towering rage (/passion);giving way to a unbridled fury

怒气冲天nù qì chōnɡ tiān

怒气直冲天际。形容非常气愤。one’s wrath filled the sky, in the towering rage, surge of great fury





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