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单词 日行千里

日行千里rì xíng qiān lǐ

gallop a thousand li in one day—go flying ahead; make fast progress
❍ 乃谓亭长曰:“吾知公长者。吾骑此马五岁,所当无敌,一日行千里,不忍杀之,以赐公。” (《史记·项羽本纪》) He turned to the station master. “I can see you are a worthy man. For five years I have ridden this horse,sweeping all before me,often galloping a thousand li in one day. I cannot bear to kill him. I give him to you.”/反正伸手等待,寸步难行; 自力更生,~。(李准《不能走那条路》110) If we hold out our hand and wait for it to be given to us,we won’t be able to move aninch. If we do things ourselves,we can go flying ahead.





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