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单词 怒气冲冲

怒气冲冲nù qì chōng chōng

as cross (/sulky/surly) as a bear; be ablaze with anger; be in a fume;be infuriated; burst with anger; cut up rough; be enraged; fire (/flare/flame) up; furious (ly);huffish (ly); in a fit of spleen; in a huff; in a towering rage; in great anger;seethe with anger; wrathful(ly)
❍ 童进见经理的脸色不好,~,好象有点怪他似的。他心里很不舒服,说话也就不很客气。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—394) The heightened colour on Zhu Yannian’s face was an indication of his anger,so Tong Jin,feeling that he was being blamed,that he was on the spot,couched what he had to say in a tone of some disrespect.
❍ 秀兰回了家,改霞提着书兜,离开她日常来往的道路,愤愤地踩着稻地塄坎上的嫩草,~奔翻身渠西面去了。(柳青《创业史》233) Xiulan went home.Gaixa,carrying her school bag,left her accustomed path.Trampling the new grass on top of the ridges,she angrily walked straight through the paddy fields to Chairman Zhenshan.
❍ 独眼鬼子见玉宝抱着油桶在板子上走得慢腾腾的,就~地跪上木板子,拎起铜棍照玉宝头上就狠狠地打下来。(《高玉宝》144) Inwardly fuming,he made a point of dawdling,carrying his drum so slowly that One-Eyed Devil was infuriated.He rushed on to the plank and raised his rod to bring it down on the boy’s head.
❍ 他抱了她回转身,看见门左边还站着主妇,也是腰骨笔直,然而两手插腰,~的似乎预备开始练体操。(《鲁迅选集》上—117) Having picked her up he turned round to see his wife standing furiously to the left of the door,also with a rigid back,her hands on her hips as if she were preparing to start physical exercises.
❍ 看见韩老六~的样子,人们又走散了一些,老田头不敢再上前,赶车的老孙头也慢慢走开,慢慢走回家去了。(周立波《暴风骤雨》60) Seeing Han in a towering rage,some of the men began to take to their heels.Old Tian dared not advance,and Old Sun retreated step by step to make his way slowly home.
❍ 朱老巩~,大声喊叫:……(梁斌《红旗谱》6) Zhu’s temper was up and he shouted: …/她~的说: “找她干吗?哼! 我要跟她打官司!” (袁静《新儿女英雄传》44) “What do I want to see her about? Humph! I’m going to take her to court,”raged Goldy tempestuously.


in a great rage


be in a towering rage

怒气冲冲nù qì chōnɡ chōnɡ

形容非常气愤的样子。be ablaze with anger, be big with rage, be black with rage





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