工艺美术ɡōnɡ yì měi shùArts & Crafts艾色釉 [ài sè yòu] sage green glaze 八扇屏风 [bā shàn pínɡ fēnɡ] floor screen (8-leaf big screen) 半瓷质器物 [bàn cí zhì qì wù] semi-porcelain ware 宝石蓝釉 [bǎo shí lán yòu] sapphire blue glaze 北京景泰蓝 [běi jīnɡ jǐnɡ tài lán] Beijing cloisonne 贝雕画 [bèi diāo huà] shell picture/mosaics 笔筒 [bǐ tǒnɡ] brush barrel 壁灯 [bì dēnɡ] wall lantern 壁毯 [bì tǎn] tapestry 篦纹 [bì wén] comb mark 编结工 [biān jié ɡōnɡ] knitter 编织工 [biān zhī ɡōnɡ] weaver 冰裂纹 [bīnɡ liè wén] cracked-ice crackle 玻璃画 [bō lí huà] glass painting 玻璃小饰品 [bō lí xiǎo shì pǐn] glass trinkets 彩蚌 [cǎi bànɡ] painted shell 彩蛋 [cǎi dàn] painted egg 彩绘 [cǎi huì] coloured painting 彩绘绢扇 [cǎi huì juàn shàn] painted silk fan 彩塑 [cǎi sù] coloured modelling 彩釉 [cǎi yòu] coloured glaze 餐具 [cān jù] dinner set; tableware 草地席 [cǎo dì xí] floor mat 草织品 [cǎo zhī pǐn] straw articles/products 草织盛具 [cǎo zhī chénɡ jù] grass basketry 插屏 [chā pínɡ] table screen 茶具 [chá jù] tea set; tea-things 茶碗垫 [chá wǎn diàn] doily 赤陶 [chì táo] terra-cotta 抽纱 [chōu shā] drawn-work 瓷器 [cí qì] porcelain; china 瓷石 [cí shí] china stone; petuntse 瓷土 [cí tǔ] porcelain/china clay; kaolin 瓷釉 [cí yòu] porcelain glaze 刺绣 [cì xiù] embroidery 刺绣画片 [cì xiù huà piàn] silk embroidered picture 翠绿釉 [cuì lǜ yòu] emerald green glaze 单色釉下彩 [dān sè yòu xià cǎi] monochrome underglaze decor 蛋壳瓷 [dàn ké cí] eggshell porcelain 蛋壳画 [dàn ké huà] eggshell painting 灯饰 [dēnɡ shì] decorative lanterns 地毯 [dì tǎn] carpet; rug 点蓝 [diǎn lán] enamel-filling 雕花墨砚 [diāo huā mò yàn] carved ink-stone 雕刻工 [diāo kè ɡōnɡ] sculptor; carver 雕刻品 [diāo kè pǐn] carved works; carvings 雕绣 [diāo xiù] cutwork embroidery 镀金 [dù jīn] gold-plated; gilded 堆漆 [duī qī] embossed lacquer 多色釉下彩 [duō sè yòu xià cǎi] polychrome underglaze decor 发绣 [fà xiù] hair embroidery 珐琅彩瓷器 [fà lánɡ cǎi cí qì] polychrome enamel decor ware 翻花 [fān huā] magic flower 方格纹 [fānɡ ɡé wén] chequered pattern 仿古玩 [fǎnɡ ɡǔ wán] imitation antiquities 风景织锦 [fēnɡ jǐnɡ zhī jǐn] silk-woven landscape 风筝 [fēnɡ zhēnɡ] kite 浮雕细工 [fú diāo xì ɡōnɡ] fretwork 橄榄核雕 [ɡǎn lǎn hé diāo] olive-stone/olive-nut carving 高粱秆画 [ɡāo liánɡ ɡǎn huà] picture made of sorghum stalk 高岭土 [ɡāo lǐnɡ tǔ] porcelain/china clay; kaolin 工艺品 [ɡōnɡ yì pǐn] craftwork 宫灯 [ɡōnɡ dēnɡ] palace lantern 宫扇 [ɡōnɡ shàn] mandarin fan 挂屏 [ɡuà pínɡ] hanging/wall panel 挂毯 [ɡuà tǎn] tapestry 果盘 [ɡuǒ pán] fruit tray 黑陶器 [hēi táo qì] black pottery 花边 [huā biān] lace; trimming 花彩 [huā cǎi] festoon 花插 [huā chā] flower receptacle 花丝 [huā sī] filigree 画工 [huà ɡōnɡ] painter 灰陶 [huī táo] grey pottery 回纹 [huí wén] fret/meander pattern 火烙画 [huǒ lào huà] burnt picture; poker work 祭红釉 [jì hónɡ yòu] sacrificial red glaze 剪纸 [jiǎn zhǐ] papercut 角雕 [jiǎo diāo] horn carving 金木雕 [jīn mù diāo] gilt wood carving 金器 [jīn qì] gold object/articles 金银丝 [jīn yín sī] filigree 景泰蓝 [jǐnɡ tài lán] cloisonne 酒具 [jiǔ jù] cocktail set 绢花 [juàn huā] silk flower 绢画 [juàn huà] silk painting 绢人 [juàn rén] silk figurine 绢扇 [juàn shàn] silk fan 咖啡具 [kā fēi jù] coffee set 开料 [kāi liào] rough shape cutting 开片大小 [kāi piàn dà xiǎo] size of crackle 葵扇 [kuí shàn] palm fan 蜡果 [là ɡuǒ] wax fruit 立体挂屏 [lì tǐ ɡuà pínɡ] relief panel 料器 [liào qì] glassware 镏金 [liú jīn] gold-coated 柳条制品 [liǔ tiáo zhì pǐn] wicker work; willow twig products 隆起花纹 [lónɡ qǐ huā wén] raised flower pattern 麻布对丝彩绣 [má bù duì sī cǎi xiù] linen article with spokework and colour embroidery 麦秆画 [mài ɡǎn huà] wheat straw patchwork; wheat stalk patchwork 面人 [miàn rén] dough figurine 描金 [miáo jīn] gold drawing 磨光 [mó ɡuānɡ] polishing 磨制 [mó zhì] grinding 墨鱼骨雕 [mò yú ɡǔ diāo] cuttle-bone carving 木雕小像 [mù diāo xiǎo xiànɡ] wood figurine 木花制品 [mù huā zhì pǐn] wood chap product 木画 [mù huà] picture in cork 木器 [mù qì] wood ware 内画 [nèi huà] inside-bottle painting 泥人 [ní rén] clay figurine 牛角画 [niú jiǎo huà] ox horn mosaics 盘垫 [pán diàn] traycloth 盆景 [pén jǐnɡ] miniature landscape; mini-scape 皮毛画 [pí máo huà] fur patchwork 皮影 [pí yǐnɡ] shadow figure 平绣 [pínɡ xiù] plain embroidery 蒲制品 [pú zhì pǐn] rush product 漆雕 [qī diāo] carved lacquer 漆雕葫芦瓶 [qī diāo hú lú pínɡ] gourd-shaped carved lacquer vase 漆画 [qī huà] lacquer painting 漆器 [qī qì] lacquer ware 奇形偶像 [qí xínɡ ǒu xiànɡ] [France] magot 茄紫釉 [qié zǐ yòu] aubergine glaze 青白陶器 [qīnɡ bái táo qì] blue-and-white pottery 青瓷 [qīnɡ cí] celadon 青花瓷 [qīnɡ huā cí] blue and white porcelain 绒鸟 [rónɡ niǎo] chenille bird 绒鸟兽 [rónɡ niǎo shòu] velvet birds and animals 绒贴 [rónɡ tiē] patchwork 绒线绣制品 [rónɡ xiàn xiù zhì pǐn] woollen needle-point tapestry 绒制玩具 [rónɡ zhì wán jù] chenille toys 软瓷 [ruǎn cí] soft porcelain 软木画 [ruǎn mù huà] cork patchwork 色贴布绣 [sè tiē bù xiù] coloured applique work 纱灯 [shā dēnɡ] gauze lantern 珊瑚红釉 [shān hú hónɡ yòu] coral red glaze 鳝鱼黄釉 [shàn yú huánɡ yòu] eelskin yellow glaze 商代白色陶刻 [shānɡ dài bái sè táo kè] incised white pottery of the Shang Dynasty 上漆 [shànɡ qī] varnishing 上色 [shànɡ sè] colouration 上釉 [shànɡ yòu] glazing 烧瓷制品 [shāo cí zhì pǐn] enamelware 烧焊 [shāo hàn] soldering 生陶瓷器 [shēnɡ táo cí qì] green ware 绳纹 [shénɡ wén] cord mark 十字绣 [shí zì xiù] cross-stitch embroidery 石雕窗格 [shí diāo chuānɡ ɡé] stone tracery 饰金 [shì jīn] gilding 手工钩针制品 [shǒu ɡōnɡ ɡōu zhēn zhì pǐn] hand crochet articles 手工艺工人 [shǒu ɡōnɡ yì ɡōnɡ rén] craftsman; artisan 手提包 [shǒu tí bāo] handbag 书签 [shū qiān] bookmark; marker 树皮画 [shù pí huà] tree bark picture 双面绣 [shuānɡ miàn xiù] double sided/reversible embroidery 丝绣 [sī xiù] silk embroidery 塑料花 [sù liào huā] plastic flower 檀香扇 [tán xiānɡ shàn] carved sandalwood folding fan; sandal wood/folding fan 搪瓷 [tánɡ cí] porcelain enamel 搪瓷制品 [tánɡ cí zhì pǐn] enamelware 唐三彩 [tánɡ sān cǎi] tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 桃核雕 [táo hé diāo] peach-stone/peach-nut carving 陶瓷工 [táo cí ɡōnɡ] ceramist; potter 陶鼎 [táo dǐnɡ] pottery tripod 陶豆 [táo dòu] pottery stemmed bowl 陶罐 [táo ɡuàn] pottery jar/pitcher 陶马 [táo mǎ] ceramic horse 陶片 [táo piàn] pottery shard 陶器 [táo qì] earthen ware 陶土 [táo tǔ] potter’s clay 陶瓦 [táo wǎ] ceramic tile 陶尊 [táo zūn] pottery vase 陶鬲 [táo lì] pottery tripod with bulbous hollow legs 套盒 [tào hé] Chinese boxes 藤织品 [ténɡ zhī pǐn] cane/rattan products 剔红 [tī hónɡ] carved lacquer 挑花 [tiāo huā] hand-stitching work 贴金 [tiē jīn] gold-overlaid 铁画 [tiě huà] iron openwork/picture; iron wall picture 通草纸花 [tōnɡ cǎo zhǐ huā] rice-paper flower 透雕细工 [tòu diāo xì ɡōnɡ] openwork 图案设计 [tú àn shè jì] pattern design 兔毫盏 [tù háo zhǎn] hare’s fur cup 脱胎漆 [tuō tāi qī] bodiless lacquer 脱胎漆雕刻品 [tuō tāi qī diāo kè pǐn] objects carved out of solid lacquer 拓片 [tà piàn] rubbing from tablet 瓦器 [wǎ qì] earthen ware 玩器 [wán qì] ornamental ware 万历五彩 [wàn lì wǔ cǎi] Wan Li polychrome 万缕丝绣 [wàn lǚ sī xiù] venetian embroidery 席纹 [xí wén] mat mark 线结袋 [xiàn jié dài] cotton crochet bag 镶嵌细工 [xiānɡ qiàn xì ɡōnɡ] marquetry 新石器时代晚期陶器 [xīn shí qì shí dài wǎn qī táo qì] late neolithic pottery 绣工 [xiù ɡōnɡ] embroiderer 烟具 [yān jù] smoking set 仰韶彩陶 [yǎnɡ sháo cǎi táo] Yangshao painted pottery 椰壳雕 [yē ké diāo] coconut-shell carving 艺术风格 [yì shù fēnɡ ɡé] artistic style 艺术工匠 [yì shù ɡōnɡ jiànɡ] artist craftsman 艺术蜡烛 [yì shù là zhú] art candle 意大利珐琅陶器 [yì dà lì fà lánɡ táo qì] majolica 银器 [yín qì] silverware 印纹陶 [yìn wén táo] stamped pottery 硬瓷 [yìnɡ cí] hard porcelain 油漆工 [yóu qī ɡōnɡ] painter 釉裹红 [yòu ɡuǒ hónɡ] underglaze red 釉上彩 [yòu shànɡ cǎi] overglaze decor 釉上斗彩 [yòu shànɡ dòu cǎi] blue and white porcelain with polychrome overglaze decor 釉陶 [yòu táo] glazed pottery 鱼子纹 [yú zǐ wén] fish roe crackle 羽毛画 [yǔ máo huà] feather patchwork 羽毛扇 [yǔ máo shàn] feather fan 玉雕工 [yù diāo ɡōnɡ] jade carver 玉米皮制品 [yù mǐ pí zhì pǐn] maize-leaf articles 原始瓷器 [yuán shǐ cí qì] protoporcelain ware 月白釉 [yuè bái yòu] clair de lune glaze 折扇 [zhé shàn] folding fan 针织工 [zhēn zhī ɡōnɡ] knitter 镇纸 [zhèn zhǐ] paper-weight 织锦 [zhī jǐn] brocade 纸拉花 [zhǐ lā huā] paper garlands 制模工 [zhì mú ɡōnɡ] moulder 制胎 [zhì tāi] body-making; basemaking 竹编织品 [zhú biān zhī pǐn] bamboo basketwork; bamboo-splint woven articles 竹根雕 [zhú ɡēn diāo] bamboo-root carving 竹帘画 [zhú lián huà] bamboo screen painting; bamboo scroll painting 竹器 [zhú qì] bamboo articles/objects 竹丝玩具 [zhú sī wán jù] toy made of bamboo filament 棕编制品 [zōnɡ biān zhì pǐn] palm woven ware 棕榈纤维玩具 [zōnɡ lǘ xiān wéi wán jù] palm-fibre toy 走马灯 [zǒu mǎ dēnɡ] revolving scenic lamp; shadow-picture lantern 组装 [zǔ zhuānɡ] assembling 工艺美术fine and applied arts