Ⅰ ❶(把较小的东西卡进另一物体) inlay; embed; set: ~ 花的地面 a mosaic pavement; ~ 有三颗钻石的戒指 a ring set with three diamonds; ~ 着螺钿的漆器 lacquerware inlaid with mother-of-pearl; 一块弹片 ~ 进墙壁里。 A shell splinter embedded itself in the wall.
❷ [书] (下陷, 凹陷) be sunken; be hollow; form a depression
❸ [书] (盖印) affix one's seal; seal; stamp Ⅱ [书] ❶ (张开貌) opening
❷ (险峻) dangerously steep; precipitous
❸ (深) deep: ~ 谷 a deep valley Ⅲ [书] (孔; 洞穴) hole; cave; cavern
另见 see also kàn。
◆嵌板 panel; pane; fielded panel; rocker panel; board; 嵌齿轮 cogwheel; 嵌刀 snaps; snappers; 嵌缝 filleting; caulking; 嵌合 inosculans; inosculating; engomphosis; gomphosis; tabling; 嵌接 notch graft; table joint; scarf; scarf joint; scarph; 嵌入 implant; embed; let into; impaction; implantation; inset; insertion; {数} imbedding; inlaying; built-in; 嵌锁 interlocking; 嵌套 nesting; nest; nestification; 嵌条 fillet; panel; panel strip; welt (鞋); banding; 嵌镶 mosaic; 嵌镶面 iconoscope mosaic; mosaic; 嵌珠 seed pearl
leading something with (ham)