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单词 岁寒知松柏

岁寒知松柏岁寒松柏suì hán zhī sōng bǎi

adversity reveals virtue; only when the year grows cold do we see the qualities of the pine and the cypress
❍ 岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。(《论语·子罕》)When the year becomes cold,then we know how the pine and the cypress are the last to lose their leaves.
❍ 宝玉笑道: “松柏不敢比,连孔夫子都说: ‘岁寒然后知松柏之后雕’呢。……”(《红楼梦》644)“I wouldn’t venture to compare myself with the pine or cedar,” chuckled Baoyu. “Even Confucius said,‘When winter comes,we realize that the pine and cedar are evergreen’ …”

岁寒知松柏sui han zhi song bai

only when winter comes do people realize that the pine and cedar are evergreen—adversity reveals virtue

岁寒知松柏suì hán zhī sōnɡ bǎi

严冬时,才知道松柏耐寒而不凋。比喻经过严寒的考验才能看出一个人的高尚品质。when winter comes, we realize that the pine and cedar are evergreen; adversity reveals virtue; Only in cold winter do we see the qualities of the pine and cedar.





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更新时间:2025/3/3 20:02:31