unworthya. 1 . worthless. vile. base没有价值的.不足道的,下贱的。 △Rom . 3 . 3 . 31 : “every unworthy thing.” i.e. everybase creature. 每一只下贱的小动物。 △H . V . 1 . 2 . 228:“Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn.”要不然就把我这副骨头葬在 一只破瓮里。 2. worthless. wanting merit没用的,没出息的。 △As . 1.1 . 36 (33):“a poor unworthy brother of yours,”您的一个可怜的没出息的兄弟。 3. undeserving不配的。 △ Rom . 1 . 5 . 97 (93):“If l pro-fane with my unworthiest hand / This holy shrine(i. e. Juliet’s hand),”如果我这贱手冒犯了这座神龛。 4. not justified. not deserved没有正当理南的,非理所应当的。 △R . I I I . 1 . 2 . 86: “And by despairing shalt thoustand excused / For doing worthy vengeance onthyself,/ That didst unworthy slaughter upon oth-ers.”你既然冤杀了他人,现在自绝于世、以死相报,也是理所当然。 5. unworthy of不值得。 △1H.VI Ⅵ. 4 . 7 . 43: “He Ieft meproudly. as unworthy fight . ”他骄傲地离开我,认为我不配与他交手。 unworthy[ʌnˈwə:ði]adj.不值得的 ‖ unworthiness n.无价值 |