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单词 山鸡舞镜

山鸡舞镜shān jī wǔ jìng

a pheasant dancing before a mirror—look at one’s reflection and admire oneself; look at one’s shadow and lament one’s lot
❍ 山鸡爱舞镜,海燕贪栖梁。(黄遵宪《番客篇》) The pheasant likes to dance before the mirror,and the petrel is inclined to perch on the beam.
❍ 这个姑娘长得很漂亮,但还没有男朋友。她常像~一样,顾影自怜。This girl is very good-looking but hasn’t got a boy friend.She often looks at her own reflection and admires herself like a pheasant dancing before a mirror.

山鸡舞镜shān jī wǔ jìnɡ

山鸡:野鸡。山鸡照着镜子起舞。比喻顾影自怜。look at one’s reflection and admire oneself, look at one’s shadow and lament one’s lot





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更新时间:2025/3/14 20:18:04