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单词 allege
释义 allege /a'led;; a'lcd3/ vt [VP6A, 9] declare; put forward, esp as a reason or excuse, in support of a claim or in denial of a charge: 宣布; (作为理由或托辞以支持一项主张或否认某一指控而) 提出; 供述: In your statement you ~ that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime. 在你的口供中,你供述曾经看到被吿在犯罪现场。 The statement ~d to have been made by the accused is clearly untrue. 那份被认为是被吿所作的口供显然不确实。 An ~d thief, person who is declared to be a thief. 被认为是窃贼的人; 盗窃嫌疑犯。 allegation /.aelx'geijn; , 3els-'8e/sn/ n [U] alleging; [C] statement, esp one made without proof: 宣称; 声称; (尤指无证据的) 供述; 空言; 辩解: You have made serious allegations, but can you substantiate them? 你已作郑重的供述,但你能证实吗? allegedly /-idh; -idli/ adv




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