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单词 酒不醉人人自醉

酒不醉人人自醉jiǔ bù zuì rén rén zì zuì

it’s not the wine that intoxicates but the drinker who gets himself drunk; wine doesn’t make a man drunk if he’s not in the mood
❍ 花天酒地辞旧岁,张灯结彩过除夕,堂上堂下齐欢笑,~。(《白毛女》12)With feasting and wine we see the Old Year out,|And hang lanterns and garlands to celebrate New Year’s Eve!|There are smiles on the faces of all our guests,|Who are drunk with joy ,not wine.
❍ 我听了这个呼声,到了~的地步了。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》339) The sound of it made me reel with self-satisfaction.

酒不醉人人自醉jiu bu zui ren ren zi zui

liquor does not intoxicate,one intoxicates oneself





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更新时间:2025/3/2 4:41:10