释义 |
酒jiǔ❶ (用粮食、水果等含淀粉或糖的物质经发酵制成的含酒精的饮料) alcoholic drink;wine;liquor;spirits: 戒 ~ stop drinking; 劝 ~ urge sb. to drink; 喜 ~ wine drunk at a wedding feast; 绍兴 ~ Shaoxing wine; 烈性 ~ liquor;spirit; 白干 [烧;高梁] ~ samshu; 名牌 ~ check wine; 冰镇 ~ cooled wine; 陈 ~ aged wine; 苹果 ~ apple wine; 桔子 ~ orange wine; 汽 ~ gasified; 红[白]葡萄 ~ red [white] wine ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 远 Jiu Yuan ◆酒吧间 bar;barroom; 酒杯 can;goblet;oxhorn;wineglass;wine bowl; 酒不醉人人自醉 It's not the wine that intoxicates but the drinker who gets himself drunk.;Wine doesn't make a man drunk if he's not in the mood.; 酒菜 food and drink;food to go with wine or liquor; 酒厂 brewery;winery;distillery; 酒陈[老]味醇,人老识深 Wine and judgment mature with age.; 酒池肉林 extravagant orgy;steeped in wine and surrounded by women;Lucullian banquets; 酒店 wineshop;public house;tavern;dispensary;grogshop; 酒度计 oenometer; 酒逢知己千杯少 When drinking with a bosom friend,a thousand cups will still be too little.;A thousand cups of wine are not too many when drinking with close friends.; 酒馆 public house;tavern;drunkery; 酒鬼 wine bibber;tippler;drunkard;sot;toper; 酒柜 gradevin; 酒过三巡 when the wine has been round three times;after the drinking has gone through three rounds;after three cups of wine;after three drinks; 酒过数巡 after a few rounds of wine;have drunk a few cups of wine; 酒酣饭饱 wined and dined to satiety;be fully satisfied with drinks and food; 酒好人自来 Good wine needs no bush.; 酒后茶余 after meal hours or in leisure time;(can serve as topics for a chat) over a cup of tea or a few glasses of wine; 酒后见真情 In wine there is truth.;When the wine is in,the wit is out.; 酒后失态 forget oneself in one's cups;act ludicrously when drunk; 酒后失言 give one's speech free scope after drinking wine; 酒后失仪 After drinking one is wanting in politeness.; 酒后吐真言 In wine there is truth.;Truth is at the bottom of the decanter.;When wine is in,truth is out.; 酒后无德 Liquor talks mighty loud when it gets loose from the jug.; 酒后滋事 provoke incidents after getting drunk; 酒壶 wine pot;flagon; 酒花 {植} hops;flor; 酒会 cocktail party;wine party;reception; 酒家 wineshop;restaurant; 酒窖 wine cellar;cellar;bodega;vintry; 酒精 {化} (乙醇) ethyl alcohol;alcohol;spirit; 酒狂 ebriecation;methomania;methilepsia; 酒量 capacity for liquor;one's drinking capacity; 酒楼 boite; 酒母 distiller's yeast; 酒囊饭袋 a person who can do nothing but eat and drink;a glutton;a useless person good only for feasting and drinking; 酒能成事,也能败事 Matters can be settled or ruined by wine.;Wine can spur action,or ruin everything.; 酒酿 fermented glutinous rice; 酒旆迎风 (In front of the door) was a flag pole on which hung the sign of the wine shop,and the flag fluttered back and forth in the wind.; 酒器 drinking vessel; 酒气熏人 smelling strongly of liquor;with a smell of alcohol in one's breath; 酒曲 distiller's yeast; 酒肉宾朋,柴米夫妻Friends come together to enjoy good wine and food,man and woman come together to form a family.; 酒肉朋友 a mercenary friend;brothers in debauchery;wine-and-meat friends; 酒色财气 wine,women,avarice and pride — the four cardinal vices; 酒色之徒 a man of wine and women — debauchee;to be a weakling and a dandy; 酒桶 fat; 酒徒 wine bibber;tippler; 酒味 vinosity; 酒文化 spirits culture; 酒窝 dimple; 酒席 feast; 酒消百愁 All anxieties [worries;sorrows] are drowned in the cup.; 酒药 Chinese yeast;yeast for brewing rice wine or fermenting glutinous rice; 酒意 a tipsy feeling; 酒糟 distillers' grains;vinasse;draff;distillers' solubles;stillage; 酒糟鼻(子) acne rosacea;brandy nose;a drunkard's nose; 酒渣鼻 {医} acne rosacea;brandy nose;rosacea; 酒至半酣 When (they) had become mellow with wine...;till all were half drunk; 酒盅 a small handleless wine cup; 酒醉饭饱 eat and drink to the limit of one's capacity;dined and wined to satiety [repletion];have had enough of both wine and food; 酒醉醺醺 in a state of happy intoxication;as drunk as a fiddler;be drunk as owls;dead drunk |