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单词 寿终正寝

寿终正寝shòu zhōng zhèng qǐn

die a natural death at a ripe old age; die in bed of old age
❍ 可惜等到大家知道的时候,他已经“~” 了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—155)Unfortunately by the time this was discovered he was dead.
❍ 怕的是毫无结果之前,已经“~”。(鲁迅《华盖集》49) For I fear before any conclusion was reached I should have “died a natural death at a ripe old age. ”/这人现在也已~了,…… (《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—56)Since then this informer has died peacefully in bed.
❍ 杀尽你们这些满鞑子,大清天下明天就~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—250) We’ll kill all you Manchu savages,and tomorrow will see the downfall of your“Great Qing Dynasty”!/无论古今,谁都知道,一个男人有许多女人,一味纵欲,后来是不但天天喝三鞭酒也无效,简直非“~”不可的。(鲁迅《准风月谈》39) In ancient times just as today,everyone knew that a man with many wives who was too incontinent must pay his debt to nature sooner or later,even if he took aphrodisiacs every day.

寿终正寝shou zhong zheng qin

die of old age


dying in bed of old age(/a natural death)


die of old age;die a natural death
老妇人活到100岁安详地~了。The old woman died peacefully at the age of 100./那项计划刚出笼便~。The plan came to an end immediately after its conception.

寿终正寝shòu zhōnɡ zhènɡ qǐn

正寝:过去住房的正室。指人年纪大死在自己的家中。现也比喻事物的消亡。die in bed of old age, pass away peacefully, die on one’s bed





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