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单词 满心欢喜

满心欢喜春色满园mǎn xīn huān xǐ

be filled with delight(/pleasure/joy); be highly pleased; be overjoyed at; quite delighted; very happy (/pleased) /猴王闻之,~,……(《西游记》 7)When the Monkey King heard this he was filled with delight.
❍ 那菩萨闻得此言,~。(《西游记》 104) When the Bodhisatva heard those words,she was filled with pleasure.
❍ 那罗公问及叔宝的武艺,~。(孔尚任《桃花扇·哭主》)The General inquired about his proficiency as a soldier and was gratified by his qualifications.
❍ 现在徐义德提出来,她~,很中意这个礼物,…… (周而复 《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—445) Now that Xu Yide had suggested it she was overjoyed at the idea of having such a present …… /他当然~,说“去就去,明天走。”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—7) The prospect naturally pleased him greatly and he said,"All right. I'll go. I'll start tomorrow."/郑家把匡超人请进新房,见新娘端端正正,好个相貌,~。(《儒林外史》 237) Kuang Chaoren was invited into his bridal chamber,and the beauty of his bride threw him into raptures.
❍ 我~地走出了煤窑。(吴运铎 《把一切献给党》 30) I returned home that day with a happy hart.


be filled with joy

满心欢喜mǎn xīn huān xǐ

心里充满了欢乐、喜悦之情。filled with joy, quite delighted, very happy, be full of joy





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