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单词 adjust
释义 adjust /a'djASt; a'd3ASt/ vt [VP6A, 14] ~ oneself/ sth (to), set right; put in order; regulate; make suitable or convenient for use: 调整; 调节; 使适用; 使便于使用: The body ~s itself to changes in temperature. 身体能自行调节以适应气温变化。 You can t see well through a telescope unless it is ~ed correctly to your sight. 除非你把望远镜准确地调节到适合你的视力,否则你就看不清楚。 She will have to ~ herself to new conditions, change her ways of living, thinking, etc. 她将必须使自己能适应新的环境。 Please do not ~ your sets, warning on a TV screen that the controls need not be changed. 请不要调整你的电视机 (电视萤光幕上的提示,请勿变换电视机的频道) 。 You should ~ your expenditure to your income. 你必须量入为出 (调节你的费用以配合你的收入) 。 well~'ed, (psych) in harmonious relations with other persons: (心理) 与他人保持和谐关系的; 善于顺应的: a well-~ed child. 与他人和谐相处的小孩。 ~able /-sdl; -abl/ adj that can be ~ed. 可调节的; 可调整的。 ~er n (comm) person from an insurance company whose business it is to settle amounts due when claims are made, eg for loss. (商) 保险公司调解员 (其工作是,当投保人提出如损失赔偿要求时,由其出面协商决定适当的赔偿金额) 。 ~ment n 1 [U] ~ing; settling of, eg insurance, claims; [C] act of ~ing. 调节; 调整; (保险、主张等之) 调解。 2 [C] means of ~ing sth; part of an apparatus for ~ing sth. 调节器; 调整具。




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