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单词 rally
释义 rally1 /'raeh; 'raeli/ vt, vi (pt, pp -lied) [VP6A, 15A, 2A, C] 1 (cause to) come together, esp after defeat or confusion, or in the face of threats or danger, to make new efforts: (使) 重新集结在一起做新的努力 (尤指在失败或混乱后或是面赏威胁或危险时); 重整旗歧: The troops rallied round their leader. 晕队重新集结于他们的指挥官左右。 The leader rallied his men. 指挥官重整其部属。 My supporters are ~ing round me again. 拥护我的人再度集合起来帮助我。 They rallied to the support of the Prime Minister. 他们协力支持首相。 2 give new strength to; (cause to) recover health, strength, firmness: 给予新力量; (使) 恢复健康,力量,决心:~。 “ e's strength/spirits; 恢复一个人的力最 (快乐心境); ~ from an illness. 从疾病中复元。 The boy rallied his wits. 这男孩恢复了理曹。 The market rallied, eg of the Stock Exchange, prices stopped dropping and became firm. (指股票市场等) 价格止跌回稳。 n (pl -lies) [C] 1 act or process of ~ing; coming together after being dispersed; recovery of strength; improvement during illness. 集结或重整的行动或过程; 被击溃后之再集结; 力量之恢复; 疾病之复元。 2 (tennis) exchange of several strokes before a point is scored. (网球得分前的) 连续对打。 3 gathering or assembly, esp to encourage fresh effort: 集会 (尤指鼓舞新的努力者): a political ~; 政党集会; a 'peace ~, one to urge the necessity of ending or avoiding war. 和平集会 (为力陈结束或避免战争之必要而举行者) 。 4 competition of motor vehicles over public roads. 汽车竞赛会; 公路赛车。




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