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单词 ram
释义 ram /raem; raem/ n 1 uncastrated male sheep. (未去势之) 公辛; 牡羊。 2 one of various implements or devices for striking or pushing with great force, eg the falling weight of a pile-driving machine; form of water-pump in which a heavy fall of water is used to force a smaller quantity to a higher level. 各种撞击工具或装置之一 (如打枪机的下落重槌); 水力泵; 水力扬水机 (抽水机的一种, 利用水之大量下降而压使较少量之水达于一较高平面上) 。 3 。 batteringram at batter1. 4 metal projection on a warship's bow for piercing the side of an enemy ship. (用以撞穿敌人舰技的) 舰首金属撞角。 vt (-mm-) 1 [VP6A, 15A, B] strike and push heavily: 成声; 夯诳; 力冲,撞: ram down the soil, eg when building roads or embankments; (在筑路建堤时) 把土捣固; ram piles into a river bed; 把桩打入而床; ram a charge home/into a gun; 把火药坂好 (填入一枪炮); (colloq) (俗) ram one's clothes into a suitcase. 把衣服塞进衣箱中 ram sth down sb's throat, (fig) say sth repeatedly so as to impress it upon sb, get him to learn it or recognize its truth. (喻) 一再叙述某事以使某人获得深刻印象,使之学会或认识其真相; 向某人濯输某事。 2 [VP6A] (of a ship) strike with a ram (4): (指船) 以撞鬲撞击: ram and sink a submarine. 读撞角撞沉一潜未艇。 3 ramjet n jet engine in which the air is rammed or forced through the engine and compressed by the speed of flight. 冲击式喷射发动机 (由飞行速度适使空气由发动机流过并产生呓缩之效果) 。 'ramrod n iron rod for ramming the charge into old (muzzle-loading) guns. 枪杵; 搠杖; 推弹杆 (旧式枪炮装火药时用的铁棒) 。




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