单词 | missing |
释义 | missing/′mɪsɪ ŋ/ adj [无comp] (1)缺少(掉了)的(that which is not in the expected place;lacking):a book with 12 pages/a car with all its wheels~一本缺少12页的书/一辆轮子全掉了的车;have a finger~from one's right hand 右手少了一根手指;a~page 一缺(掉)页;There is a page~from the book/The book has a page~/A page is~from the book.这本书缺了一页。One of my earrings is~from the box. 我的盒子里少了一只耳环。 Some money is~from her account. 她的户头上少了一些钱。Something is~from his bag. 他的包内少了东西。〖同〗lacking; (2)失踪(下落不明)的(that which cannot be found;lost;absent):a~person/child失踪的人/孩子;The student was~since Tuesday.从周二起这学生就失踪了。be listed as~in action被列入军事行动失踪人员;Two planes were reported~.据报道两架飞机下落不明。the~part of the machine 丢失的机器部件;A search was made for the~papers.寻找失踪了的文件。the~失踪者;the~persons bureau 查找失踪人员办事处;〖同〗lost,absent; (3)不在(缺席)的(not present):Who is~from class today?谁今天没上课? be among the missing在战场上失踪:The soldier is among the~.这个士兵在战场上失踪了。 go missing不知去向,下落不明:Four members of the group/A group of climbers went~in the storm/in Scotland .该队四个队员在暴风雨中/一队登山队员在苏格兰失踪。 the missing link(猿与人之间)过渡动物:Experts believe that the skeleton would be the~link.专家们认为,这骨架可能就是猿与人之间的过渡动物。 ←′miss vt |
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