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单词 哭丧着脸

哭丧着脸kū sāng zhe liǎn

draw (/pull/put on/wear) a long face;glum-faced; with a long (/mournful/wry/piteous) face; with a woe-begone look/“还是赶快吃你的饭罢!~,就会长出辫子来么?”(鲁迅《呐喊·风波》56) “Hurry up and eat! Crying won’t grow a queue for you,will it?”/胡仰~,……(知侠《铁道游击队》343) Hu Yang groaned with a wry face,…/笑笑既不至于得罪别人,现在的法律上也尚无国民必须~的规定,…… (鲁迅《伪自由书·从讽刺到幽默》35) Laughter should not offend anyone,and there is still no law that citizens must pull long faces.
❍ 这样整天~去吃喝,不多久,胃口就倒了,还抗什么敌。(鲁迅《且介亭杂文末编· “这也是生活”…》115)If we ate and drank with long faces all the time,very soon we should have no appetite at all,and then what would become of our resistance?/当鲁汉走开的时候,他又~对申茂哀求。(知侠《铁道游击队》328) As soon as Lu Han had walked away,he turned to Shen Mao again with a piteous look.


putting on(/wearing/going around with)a long face

哭丧着脸kū sānɡ zhe liǎn

形容脸色很难看,如同死了人一样。put on a long face, draw a long face, glum-faced, get around with a long face





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更新时间:2025/3/14 21:04:52