哭kū (因痛苦、悲哀或感情激动而流泪) cry; weep; sob; blubber; wail: 放声大 ~ cry loudly [unrestrainedly]; 假 ~ weep with [over] an onion; 激动地 ~ 了起来 excitedly burst into tears; ~ 到天明 weep the night away; weep all night (long); weep till dawn; 她悲痛地 ~ 了很久。She cried long and bitterly. 她对着父亲的遗体嚎啕大 ~。 She wailed over her father's remains. 她 ~ 得死去活来。 She sobbed her heart out. 他陪着她 ~。 He wept with her for company. ◆哭鼻子 [口] snivel; weep; 哭喊 cry and shout; crying and shouting; 哭哭啼啼 weep and sob; endlessly weep and wail; weep and sniffle; weeping and wailing; whine with plaintive broken sounds; 哭哭笑笑 cry one moment and laugh the next; 哭泣 cry; weep; sob; 哭穷 go about telling people how hard up one is; complain of being hard up; 哭丧 wail at funeral; 哭丧棒 [旧] the stick which the son in mourning leans on; 哭丧着脸 put on a long face; go around with a long face; a wosbegone look; disconsolately; One looks mournful as if in bereavement.; One's face was glum.; wear [pull] a long face; with a mournful face; 哭诉 complain tearfully; 哭天抹泪 wail and whine; cry piteously; 哭笑不得 be able neither to cry nor to laugh; be at a loss whether to cry or to laugh; be unable either to laugh or to cry; do not know whether to cry or to laugh; find sth. both funny and annoying; One can neither cry nor laugh.; One's face was a study. |