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单词 孤立无援

孤立无援gū lì wú yuán

alone and helpless; be isolated and without support
❍ 大群大群的人民正在脱离国民党的影响和控制而站到革命阵营一方面来,中国反动派完全陷入~的绝境。(《毛泽东选集》1269)Multitudes of people are breaking away from Kuomintang influence and control and coming over to the rev olutionary camp;and the Chinese reactionaires have fallen into hopeless straits,isolated and aban doned.
❍ 从此,童少英更感觉得~了,唯一的良伴,除了雪梅外,就是酒杯。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—41)After the funeral,Shaoying became even more lonely and helpless. Her only companion now,apart from Xuemei,was the wine cup.
❍ 周瑜~,必为丞相所擒。(《三国演义》414) If Zhou Yu be left alone you can certainly take him captive.
❍ 他将象个脱离队伍的战士,重新回到被捕时那种~的境地…… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》342)He might again be isolated and without support,as he had been just after his arrest.





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