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单词 逆水行舟

逆水行舟nì shuǐ xíng zhōu

a boat sails against the current; stem the current
❍ 学如~,不进则退。A boat sailing against the current must forge ahead or it will be driven back. The same holds good with studies.
❍ 这已经迫于必要了,即使月下还有点~,也只好拉纤; …… (鲁迅《且介亭杂文·门外文谈》86) This is an urgent need today,even if it is like sailing against the current when you have to tow the boat from the bank.

逆水行舟ni shui xing zhou

a boat sailing against the current

逆水行舟nì shuǐ xínɡ zhōu

逆着水流划船。比喻学习或行动必须克服困难,努力向前。sail against the current, stem the current, sail in the head tide, sail against the wind, row against the wind, go up stream





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更新时间:2024/11/15 15:38:14