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单词 如堕烟海

如堕烟海rú duò yān hǎi

as if lost on a misty sea; completely at a loss; all at sea
❍ 万千的学问家和实行家,不懂得这种方法,结果~,找不到中心,也就找不到解决矛盾的方法。(《毛泽东选集》297) There are thousands of scholars and men of action who do not understand it,and the result is that,lost in a fog,they are unable to get to the heart of a problem and naturally cannot find a way to resolve its contra dictions.

如堕烟海ru duo yan hai

as if lost on a misty sea

如堕烟海rú duò yān hǎi

比喻陷入莫名其妙、迷离恍惚的境地。all at sea, completely at a loss, as if lost on a misty sea





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更新时间:2025/3/3 7:21:49