天南海北tiān nán hǎi běi❶about everything under the sun; about this and that; discursive ❷all over the country ❍ 他们有时就坐在山沟旁边的岩石上歇腿,一边听着石洞里琅琅响着的水声,一边~的聊天。(高云览《小城春秋》32) Sometimes they sat and rested on a cliffside overlooking a ravine. With the sound of hidden springs gurgling in their ears,they would talk about everything under the sun. ❍ 他俩阔别多年。这次在集市上碰面,就~地聊起来了。The two of them had not seen each other for quite a few years. When they met again at the country fair,they started to talk about every thing under the sun. 天南海北❶far apart;poles apart ❷from different places or areas ❸rambling;discursive;about a wide range of subjects 天南海北tiān nán hǎi běi形容相距很远。all over the country, discursive |