lengthn. to the length of all his arm: at his arm’s length尽他的手臂能伸到那么远。 △Ham.2.1.87 (84): “He took me bythe wrist,and held me hard,/Then goes he to thelength of all his arm,” i. e. he backs till he holds her atarm’s length.他握住我的手腕紧紧不放,然后伸直了手臂向后退。 length[ˈleŋθ]n. 长度,身段,身长,期限,一(段) ◇a length of at full length =full length极为详细地 at great length冗长地 at length终于 at some length相当详细 be (of) length具有…的长度,保持…长度 go (to) all length=go (to) any length竭尽全力 go the whole length尽量 go to great length竭尽全力 go to the length of doing sth.甚至(做…)/in the length of time在…时间内 in the unit of length在单位长度上 keep at arm’s length避免 over the length and breadth of...涉及…的全部,普遍 to length按一定长度 ‖ length axis纵轴 length measurement长度测量 length of a game全局时间 length of bow 弓长 length of choke猎枪缩口部长度 length of column纵队长度 length of constriction猎枪缩口部长度 length of exposure曝光持续时间 length of glide下滑距离 length of jump飞跃距 length of life寿命 length of limitation period时效期 length of march行程 length of military service军龄 length of military service wage军龄工资 length of military subsidies军龄津贴 length of perpendiculars垂直距离 length of protection保障期限 length of run滑跑距离 length of sb.’s stage career艺龄 length of school学龄 length of schooling学制,学习年限 length of service服务年资,工龄 length of service subsidy工龄津贴 length of service wage工龄工资 length of shot爆破深度 length of span跨度 length of stride步长 length of stroke冲程,蹬冰距离 length of stroke length of swing挥拍幅度 length of teaching教龄 length of teaching subsidies教龄补助 length of the course赛程距离 length of the horse纵马 length of the tow拖缆长度 length of tube身管长度 length of twist缠度长 length of volley截击球的深度 length on waterline吃水深度 length overall全长 length rod 测杆 length shot长镜头 length side长的一边 to length 按一定长度 lengthen[ˈleŋθən]v.延长,变长 lengthened code延长码 lengthener n.延长器 length-gauge n. 长度计(规)lengthily adv. lengthness n.lengthsman n. 长度测量员 lengthwise=lengthways adj.沿直线方向的,纵向的 lengthwise movement纵向运动 lengthwise position纵向位置 lengthy[ˈleŋθi]adj.漫长的,冗长的 |