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单词 lend


vt. give,grant,endow with,afford,provide给予,授予,赋予,提供,供给。
△Rom.2.Cho.13: “But pas-sion lends them power,time means,to meet,”但是热情给他们力量,时间给他们机会见面。
△ Rom.1.3.84:“Andsee how one another lends content;”看各个部分彼此如何协调。
△Rom.2.2.81: “He lent me counsel,and Ilent him eyes. ”他教给我主意,我借给他眼睛。
△Rom.3.5.165 (164):“ Wife,we scarce thought us blest/ThatGod had lent us but this only child,” (In Christianthought all things on earth are but lent to us duringour lives.) 太太,我们当初觉得福分太薄,上帝只给了我们这么一个孩子。
△Ham.1.5.5: “Pity me not,but lend thyserious hearing/To what I shall unfold.”不要可怜我,你只要认真听我要告诉你的事情。
△Lr.3. 2. 62: “Somefriendship will it lend you ’gainst the tempest.”它会给你一点友好接待,让你避避风雨。
△2H.VI.1.1.19: “OLord,that lends me life,/ Lend me a heart repletewith thankfulness!”啊,赐给我生命的主啊,请赐给我一颗充满感谢的心吧!
△H.VIII.3.2.152(151):“As I will lendyou cause,”因为我还会给陛下提供根据的。
△1H.VI.1.1.87:“Wounds will I lend the French,instead of eyes,/To weep their intermissive miseries.”我要给法兰西人身上制造些伤口,好让这些伤口代替眼睛去为他们层出不穷的灾难而痛哭。


v. 出借,贷款
◇lend a hand帮助
lend a helping hand助一臂之力
lend an ear to倾听,听
lend a third ear to更注意地听
lend itself to有助于,适宜于
lend money on mortgage抵押贷款
lend oneself to帮助,适合
lend wings to加快…的速度
‖Lend-lease Act租借法案
lend money at interest放债,有息贷款
lend money on mortgage抵押贷款
lend money on security抵押贷款
lend stock借给股份
lent inverted hang倒悬垂
under lent转借
lending at a rate按利息借贷
lending at sight即期贷款
lending country债权国
lending criterion放款标准
lending fee贷出费
lending limit贷款限额
lending loss坏账
lending margin贷款差额
lending market信贷市场
lending of development funds开发基金放款
lending policy贷款原则
lending rate贷款率,贷款利率
lending ratio贷款比例
lending securities贷放证券
lending stock抵押品
lending terms贷款条件
lendings at sight即期贷款
lendable adj. 可供借(贷)的
lendable surplus借贷储备金
lender n.出借人,贷方
lender market贷方市场
lender of the last resort最后贷款人,紧急贷款者





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