释义 |
天tiānⅠ ❶ (天空) sky; heaven: 露 ~ under the open sky; 在蓝 ~ 中翱翔 sail the blue heavens ❷ (一昼夜; 白天) day: 过两 ~ in two or three days; 前几 ~ a few days ago; 三 ~ 三夜 three days and three nights; 忙了一 ~ have had a busy day; have done a good day's work; 夏天 ~ 长夜短。 In summer the days are long and the nights short. ❸ (一天里的某一段时间) a period of time in a day: 五更 ~ around four in the morning; at dawn; ~ 儿还早呢。 It's still early. ❹ (季节) season: 夏 ~ summer; 黄梅 ~ the rainy season ❺ (天气) weather: 阴 ~ overcast; cloudy day; 雨 ~ wet weather; 一边日出一边雨, 晴雨无常四月 ~。 April weather, rain and shine both together. ❻ (自然) nature: 战 ~ 斗地 combat nature; conquer nature; 人定胜 ~。 Man will conquer nature. ❼ (迷信者指自然界的主宰者; 造物) God; Heaven: ~ 哪! Good Heavens! ~ 知道! God knows! 谢 ~ 谢地! Thank Heaven! 我的 ~! O God! ❽ (迷信者指神佛仙人的处所) Heaven: 上西 ~ go to Heaven; die ❾ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 高 Tian Gao Ⅱ ❶ (位置在顶部的; 凌空架设的) overhead: ~ 棚 ceiling; ~ 窗 skylight; ~ 桥 overline bridge; platform bridge ❷ (天然的; 天生的) natural; innate: ~ 性 natural instincts; ~ 灾 natural calamity ◆天安门 Tian An Men; 天保九如 congratulate sb. to live long and have unending good fortune; 天宝当年 grand occasions [events] in those years; 天崩地坼 as though Heaven and Earth had fallen; as though both heaven and earth were falling to pieces; heaven falling and earth cracking [rending] — violent political or social upheavals; 天崩地裂 (like) giant earthquakes and landslides; Heaven rends asunder and earth cracks; the skies falling and the earth opening up; the effects of the crack doom; violent social upheavals; 天崩地陷 The heavens split and the earth sinks.; 天庇神佑 blessed by Heaven and God; be protected by Heaven and helped by God; 天边 horizon; the ends of the earth; remotest places; 天边海角 remote regions; 天兵 troops from heaven; an invincible army; 天兵天将 divine troops descending from Heaven; 天禀 [书] natural gift; talent; 天波 sky wave; spatial wave; space wave; 天不变, 道亦不变 Heaven changeth not, likewise the Way changeth not.; 天不负人 Heaven rewards the faithful.; All is for the best.; 天不怕, 地不怕 fear nothing in heaven or on earth; defy heaven and earth; fear nothing and no one; fear neither Heaven nor Earth; nothing daunted; There is nothing one fears on earth or above.; 天不转地转 We'll meet some day.; 天不作美 (... but) the weather is not too good; 天不从人 Heaven declines to accept one's wish.; 天不假人[年] God doesn't give him a life long enough (to accomplish his task, etc.) — usually said of a person who dies on an important job.; 天不绝人 Heaven would not fail a man.; 天才 genius; talent; gift; endowment; man of genius; 天测窗 astrodome; 天差地远 There is a vast difference between the two.; poles apart; 天长地久 enduring as the universe; enduring as long as the sky and earth; everlasting and unchanging; 天长日久 after a considerable period of time; for a long, long time; everlasting; 天朝 a reference to the Chinese imperial court by Chinese envoys or by barbarians who paid tributes to China; 天成佳偶 a good match as if made in heaven; 天池 Tianchi (lakes on the tops of the Tianshan Mountain and Changbaishan Mountain); {穴位} Tianchi (P 1); 天窗 scuttle; trap-door; skylight; dormant window; abat-jour; louver; light; {穴位} Tianchuang (SI 16); 天赐甘霖 a godsend rain; heaven-sent rain; 天赐良机 Heaven-sent chance; 天赐良缘 a godsentd marriage; 天赐之福 mercy; 天从人愿 God is carrying out the wishes of man.; by the grace of God; God willing; Heaven accords with human wishes.; Heaven grants man's wish; Heaven has disposed matters according to one's wishes.; If God [Heaven] is willing, human wishes can be fulfilled.; 天摧地塌 (as if) the skies were falling and the earth rising; 天打雷劈 be struck by lightning and split into two halves; 天大 as large as the heavens; extremely big; 天道 natural law; manifestation of God's will; good or ill omen; [方] weather; 天道不谄 Heaven's way isn't uncertain.; 天道好还 God's way goes in a cycle.; Heaven is bound to return and punish evil doers.; 天道无亲[私] The ways of heaven are impartial.; 天低吴楚, 眼空无物 the sky brooding low over the land of Wu and Chu, with nothing between to meet the eye; 天低云暗 Dark clouds hang low in the sky.; 天敌 natural enemy; 天底 nadir; 天底下 [口] in the world; on earth; under the sun; 天地 heaven and earth; universe; world; field of activity; scope of operation; 天地比寿 May one's age be as that of heaven and earth.; 天地不容 Heaven and earth do not tolerate.; Heaven forbid!; 天地交泰 celestial and terrestrial forces in harmony — peaceful and prosperous times; 天地所祚 blessed by the gods; 天地位焉 Things in the universe take their proper places.; 天地悬隔 hanging apart as heaven and earth; 天钓 convulsion with up-lifted eyes; 天顶 {天} zenith; 天定 preordained; fix by heaven; 天冬 {植} asparagus fern; asparagus cochinchinensis; 天夺之魄 Heaven robs one of his soul.; be dying; 天蛾 sphingid; hawkmoth; sphinx; 天鹅 swan; cygnus; 天鹅绒 velure; velutum; velvet; 天恩 [旧] the emperor's kindness; 天恩浩荡 grace in abundance; 天罚 punishment meted out by God; God's punishing hands; 天翻地覆 The whole world is turned upside down.; a social or political upheaval; Everything is being turned upside down.; Heaven and earth have been overturned.; heaven and earth turning upside down; overturn heaven and earth; turn the world bottomside up; turn the whole world upside down; 天方 [旧] Arab countries; 天方夜谭 Arabian Nights; 天分 special endowments; natural gift; talent; 天府 self-sufficient and strategically located region; {穴位} Tianfu(L3); 天府之国 (usually referring to Sichuan Province) the land of abundance; the land of plenty; Nature's storehouse; 天覆地载 all under heaven and upon earth; what is under heaven and borne by the earth; 天赋 inborn; innate; endowed by nature; natural gift; talent; endowments; 天赋之才 man of natural endowment; innate [natural] gift; God-given talent; 天干 the Heavenly Stems, used as serial numbers and also in combination with the twelve Earthly Branches to designate years, months, days and hours; 天高地厚 High as heaven, deep as earth, (of kindness, friendship etc.).; complexity of things; profound; immensity of the universe; 天高皇帝远 The heaven is high and the emperor is far away — there is no help for it.; 天高气爽 The sky is high and the weather fine (usually said of the crisp air in autumn).; 天高听卑 Heaven is high but listen to the lowliest.; 天高云淡 The sky is high, the clouds are pale.; 天各一方 be scattered to the four corners of the earth; be far apart geographically; each in a different corner of the world; far apart from each other; 天工 work of nature; formed by nature; 天公 the ruler of heaven; God; 天公之巧 the curiosity of natural processes; 天公地道 be exactly as it should be; absolutely fair; be fair and just; be fully justifiable; be truly fair and reasonable; retributive justice; the justice of heaven and earth; the most natural and fair arrangement; 天宫 heavenly palace; 天光 daylight; time of the day; [方] morning; {航空} Skyray; 天谷 upper elixir field; heavenly valley; 天癸 sexual function of both sexes; menstruation; 天国 the Kingdom of Heaven; the land of the leal; paradise; 天寒地冻 very cold; freezing; The weather is so cold that the ground is frozen.; 天河 the Milky; the Galaxy; the Milky Way; 天花 {医} smallpox; variola; 天花板 ceiling; platfond; 天花乱坠 as if it were raining flowers; an exaggerated tale or account elaborate in high-flown phraseology; flowers cascading; from the sky — an extravagantly colourful description; flowers drifting down pell-mell from the sky in profusion; give an extravagant account [terms] of ...; laud sth. to the skies; praise in superlative terms; talk about sth. in superlative terms; talk sb.'s head off; (talk) until the roof falls down; 天荒地老 (literally) when the earth and heaven get old — a long, long time (often used by lovers in making vows of eternal love); 天皇 {日本} Mikado — the emperor of Japan; 天昏地暗 a murky sky over a dark earth; dark all round; gloomy above and dark below; in a state of chaos and darkness; total absence of justice; 天火 a fire caused by heaven, as by lightning; a fire whose cause can not be ascertaind; 天机 nature's mystery; sth. inexplicable; God's design; secret; 天机不可泄漏 God's design must not be revealed to mortal ears.; a top secret; Don't say a word about it to a soul.; Heaven's secrets must not be divulged; sth. strictly confidential; The cat mustn't be let out of the bag.; 天机云锦 as beautiful and exquisite as the heavenly-woven brocade; 天际 horizon; 天将地就 be all that could be desired; 天降之咎 Heaven calls down curses on one's head.; 天骄 proud son of heaven; 天骄不群 young and tender without equal; 天界 heaven; 天津 Tianjin; 天经地义 (be regarded) as unalterable principles; an unquestionable moral truth; as having the sanction of Heaven as revealed to reason; perfectly justified; the principles of heaven and earth — right and proper; universally accepted principle; 天井 small yard; courtyard; skylight; {采矿} raiserockhole; {穴位} Tianjing (TE 10); 天可怜见 Heaven pities and protects us!; 天尅地冲 Heaven destroys and earth rushes — said of an evil person.; 天空 the sky; the heavens; 天空地阔 of boundless capacity; of liberal views; 天葵 {植} semiaquilegia adoxoides; 天葵子 {中药} radix semiaquilegiae; 天籁 [书] sounds of nature; 天蓝 sky blue; azure; 天蓝色 sky blue; cerulean; celeste; caeruleous; caeruleus; coeruleous; coeruleus; 天朗气清 The sky is clear and bright.; 天老儿 albino; 天雷击顶 be killed by lightning; A thunderbolt will strike one dead.; 天理 heavenly principles — feudal ethics as propounded by the Song Confucianists; justice; 天理报应 (divine) retribution; nemesis; 天理不容 Heaven and earth will not tolerate ...; intolerable injustice; 天理难容 Providence would not forgive ...; Heaven will not tolerate it.; God forbid!; intolerable by the course of nature; 天理人情 nature's justice and human feelings; 天理人欲 the principle of nature and human desires; 天理循环 The course of nature goes round.; The guilty is always punished and the kind-hearted always rewarded under the law of heaven.; 天理昭彰 Heaven at last repays a crime.; Heavenly principles are clear and transparent.; God's justice is manifest.; 天良 conscience; 天良发现 stung by conscience; One's better nature asserts itself.; The conscience is revealed — moved.; 天良丧尽 have lost all one's conscience; conscienceless; 天亮 daybreak; dawn; 天灵盖 top of the skull; crown; 天聋地哑 completely unmindful of anything, like one deaf and dumb; 天伦 [书] the natural bonds and ethical relationships between members of a family; 天伦之乐 the happiness of a family union; (foster and satisfy) one's natural desire for family life to one's heart's content; the happiness of a family reunion; 天罗地网 nets above and snares below; a far-flung network; an escape-proof net; an invisible net preventing all escape; a plot in the Heavens, a trap on the Earth; a waiting trap; gigantic net; invisible net in air and on land to prevent escape; No criminals can escape.; spread a net [situation] from which there is no escape; the all-extensive meshes of the law; the nets spread upon earth and sky; tight encirclement; 天罗盘 sky compass; 天麻 {植} rhizoma gastrodiae; gastrodia tuer; Rhizoma Gastrodiae; gastrodia elata; 天马行空 a heavenly steed soaring across the skies — a powerful and unconstrained style; an unrestrained and vigorous style that brims with talent; 天蒙蒙亮 Dawn is just breaking.; 天明 daybreak; dawn; 天明鸡啼 The cock crows at dawn.; The cock crows, dawn is breaking.; The cock crows with the coming of dawn.; 天命 God's will; the mandate of heaven; destiny; fate; 天命不韬 Heaven's decrees are beyond doubt.; 天命难逃 It's difficult to escape from one's fate.; Every bullet has its billet.; 天幕 the canopy of the heavens; backdrop; 天南地北 (live) far apart from each other; be separated far apart; poles apart; from different places or areas; 天南海北 all over the country; discursive; rambling; 天年 natural span of life; one's allotted span; 天牛 {动} longicorn; long-horned beetle; 天怒人怨 The gods are angry and the people resentful.; the wrath of God and the resentment of men; the wrath of God and dissatisfaction [the anger] of the people [men]; widespread indignation and discontent; 天女散花 The heavenly maids scatter blossoms.; 天女下凡 a Heaven fairy descending to the world; 天棚 ceiling; awning or canopy, usu. made of reed matting and bamboo poles; 天平 balance; auncel; scales; 天平校准 balance calibration; 天气 weather; sky; 天气图 weather map; weather chart; synoptic chart; 天气预报 weather forecast; 天谴 the wrath of heaven; God's punishing hands; 天堑 natural moat; natural chasm; 天堑变通途 A deep chasm turned into a thoroughfare.; 天堑难渡 The natural barriers for defense are insurmountable; 天堑屏障 natural barriers; 天桥 overline bridge; platform bridge; foot bridge; monkey bridge; flying gangway; 天清日晏 a peaceful, sunny day; 天清月明 The sky is clear and the moon bright.; 天穹 {天} the vault of heaven; firmament; zenith; vault; 天球 {天} celestial sphere; sphere; 天球仪 celestial globe; celestial sphere; star globe; cosmosphere; 天趣 beauty of natural objects or phenomena; 天然 natural; native; living; 天然疤木雕 natural scarred wood carving; 天然屏障 natural cover for defense; 天然气 natural gas; gas; 天然色 natural colour; 天壤 [书] heaven and earth; 天壤王郎 be married to a bad husband; 天壤之别 a world of difference; poles [worlds] apart; an immeasurably vast difference; as far apart as heaven and earth; far cry; There is a world of difference between them.; 天壤之隔 as far apart as heaven and earth; 天人关系 relation between heaven and man; 天人合一 theory that man is an integral part of nature; 天人相应 correspondence between man and universe; relevant adaptation of the human body to natural environment; 天日 the sky and the sun; light; 天色 colour of the sky; time of the day; weather; 天色微明 The sky is faintly light with the dawn.; 天山 Mt. Tianshan [Heaven], also known as the Snow Mountain, in Xinjiang Autonomous Region; 天上 the sky; the heavens; 天上人间 immeasurably vast difference; 天神 god; deity; celestial; 天生 born; inborn; inherent; innate; 天生国色 be endowed with dazzling beauty; 天生丽质 a born beauty; heavenly beauty; be a flawless beauty; 天生天化 Heaven has given; Heaven has destined ...; 天生有福 have been born under a fortunate star; 天师 the title of the head of the taoists; Taoist master; 天时 weather; climate; timeliness; opportunity; 天时不如地利, 地利不如人和 The time isn't as important as the terrain, but the terrain isn't as important as unity with the people.; 天时不正 abnormal weather; 天时、地利、人和 favourable climatic, geographical and human conditions; favourable climate and geographical position and support of the people; 天使 {宗} angel; wing; an emissary from the emperor; 天授 inborn; innate; endowed by nature; 天书 a book from heaven; abstruse writing; illegible writing; Greek to sb.; double Dutch; 天数 fatalism; fate; predestination; 天数难逃 One can hardly escape his destiny.; 天水相际 where the sky and water meet; 天塌地陷 (though) heaven falls, (though) earth crumbles; the collapse of heaven and earth; 天坛 the Temple of Heaven in Beijing; 天堂 paradise; heaven; bana; abraham's bosom; 天堂地狱 heaven and hell; 天堂乐土 the Elysian Fields; paradise; 天梯 high ladder; 天体 celestial body; heavenly body; world; aster; astrodome; ball; star; 天天 every day; daily; day in, day out; 天条 the laws of God in heaven; 天庭 the middle of the forehead; 天头 the top margin of a page; 天图 sky maps; 天外有天 There is no limit in the universe — Knowledge is infinite; However strong you are, there is always someone stronger; 天外资源 extraterrestrial resources; 天王老子 emperor; 天网恢恢, 疏而不漏 Murder will out.; Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure.; The mills of God grind slowly but surely.; Justice has a long arm.; The net of Heaven has large meshes, but it lets nothing through.; 天文 astronomy; 天文学 astronomy; uranology; 天文钟 astronomical clock; chronometer; 天无二日 [喻] There cannot be two kings in a country.; 天无二日, 国无二主 Only one supreme ruler in a country, as there is only one sun in heaven.; 天无绝人之路 Heaven never seals off all the exits.; Every cloud has a silver lining.; Heaven will always leave a door open.; There is always a way out.; 天无三日晴, 地无三尺平 There never were three sunny days in a row, or three square feet of level land.; 天雾 sky fog; 天下 China or the world; land under heaven; rule; domination; 天下本无事, 庸人自扰之 Though peace reigns over the land, the stupid people create trouble for themselves.; There is nothing wrong with the world, and, if there is trouble, it is because some foolish people ask or look for it.; 天下大乱 great disorder under heaven; a state of a place of lawless violence; a state of chaos; great confusion; in a tumult; great chaos under the heaven; in utter disorder; confusion throughout the land; the topsy-turvy world; utter confusion by bitter civil commotion; violent upheavals; 天下大事, 必作于细 Great undertakings have small beginnings.; 天下大治 great order throughout [across] the land; a vast orderly community; in good order; well governed [regulated]; universal peace and order; 天下第一 the best [greatest] in all the land; No. 1 in the world; peerless; the first under heaven — unequalled; the world's Number One authority; 天下鼎沸 All below heaven are boiling like a cauldron.; 天下独步 be unparalleled [unequalled; unmatched] in the world [under heaven]; cut a great figure; dominant; 天下归顺 The whole empire submits to ...; 天下归心 Throughout the empire all hearts turned to him.; 天下奇闻 a most fantastic tale; a very strange story; the most absurd thing in the world; 天下攘攘 the country [world] is in a chaotic condition.; all the hustle and bustle in the world; 天下攘攘, 皆为利往 All the hustle and bustle in the world is only for money.; 天下扰攘 The state is thrown into confusion.; 天下虽安, 忘战必危 All may be quiet, but it is dangerous to forget war.; 天下事总难十全十美 Nothing can ever be perfect in this world.; 天下太平 Peace reigns over the land [under heaven].; All is at peace.; piping times of peace for the country; The whole world is at peace.; 天下唯理可服人 Nothing is more convincing than reason.; 天下为公 the whole world as one community; 天下闻名 One's name spreads over the world.; All under Heaven know one's name.; 天下乌[老]鸦一般黑 All crows under the sun are black.; Crows are black the world over.; In every country dogs bite.; 天下无不散之筵席 All good things must come to an end.; Even the finest feast comes to an end sometime.; Even the finest feast must break up at last.; 天下无道 absence of right principles throughout the country; moral chaos; 天下无敌 There is none under Heaven to equal him.; all-conquering; ever-victorious; invincible;There is none to equal him on earth.; 无下无二 not an equal in the world; 天下无难事, 只怕有心人 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.; All difficulties on earth can be overcome if men but give their minds to it.; It is dogged as does it.; It is dogged that does it.; Where there's a will there's a way.; 天下无双 none such under heaven; matchless; unparalleled in the world; unique; without equal; 天下兴亡, 匹夫有责 Everyone is responsible for his country.; Every man has a duty to his country.; 天下一家 All under heaven are of one family.; 天下之冠 be the first on earth; 天仙 goddess; a beauty; 天仙百合 fairy lily; 天仙花人 a fairy transformed into a woman—used in praise of a beautiful woman; 天仙藤 herba aristolochiae; 天仙下凡 a goddess [celestial beauty] descended to the world; a fairy coming from heaven down to earth; 天仙子 {植} henbane; henbane seed; somen; semen hyoscyami; Hyoscyami; 天险 natural barrier; natural defence; 天线 antenna; aerial; antenna wire; air wire; 天线插座 ant. socket; 天香百合 goldband lily; 天香国色 heaven fragrance and national beauty; 天象 {天} astronomical phenomena; celestial phenomena; 天晓得 [方] God [Heaven] knows; 天幸 a providential escape; a close shave; 天性 natural instincts; nature; 天悬地隔 be separated far apart; 天旋地转 The sky and earth were spinning round.; The heaven revolves and the earth turns.; very dizzy; dizzy; 天涯 the end of the world; the remotest corner of the earth; 天涯海[地]角 the remotest corners of the globe; ends of the earth; jumping-off place; many different parts of the country; remote regions; remotest corners [regions] of the earth; the end of the sky and the corners of the sea; the four corners of the earth; the horizon of heaven and end of earth; (go to) the uttermost ends of the earth; the world's end; 天涯鼠 kiore; 天涯若比邻 be with each other though far apart; 天涯原咫只, 此地又逢君 The world is but a little place after all, here again we meet.; 天涯咫尺 The world is but a little place, after all.; The world is small.; 天呀 Oh, my! My goodness!; My eye [foot]!; Mercy on us!; Bless my heart [soul]!; Oh, dear!; Dear!; My!; Alas!; Ah!; Dear me!; My God!; Well!; Man alive!; Good Heavens!; Gosh!; 天演 theory of evolution; 天摇地转 as though earth and sky were spinning violently; 天要下雨,娘要嫁人—无法控制 If Heaven wishes [wants] it to rain or your mother to remarry, there is no way to stop them.; an inevitable occurrence; If it threatens to rain or your mother wishes to remarry, there is no way to stop them.; 天衣无缝 a seamless heavenly robe; flawless; perfect (job); without a trace; 天一句, 地一句 speak incoherently; 天意 God's will; the will of Heaven; ordinance; decree; 天意人缘 Heaven's will and human affinity—providence and affinity; 天有不测风云 A storm may arise from a clear sky.; Something unexpected may happen any time.; 天有不测风云, 人有旦夕祸福 In nature there are unexpected storms and in life unpredictable vicissitudes.; Human fortunes are unpredictable as the weather.; Unforeseen, into storm can nature burst; Overnight, a man may have his fortune reversed.; Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight.; Sudden storms spring up in nature and men's fortunes may change overnight.; The unexpected always happens.; 天有雨意 It looks like rain.; 天雨连绵 It continues to rain.; 天雨路滑 It's raining and the road [path] is slippery.; 天与人归 Heaven has complied with the wishes of the people.; Both Heaven and the people turned to him — a ruler.; 天宇 the sky; the heavens; [书] land under heaven; the whole world; 天渊 [书] high heaven and deep sea; poles apart; 天渊相隔 as far apart as the sky and sea; 天渊之别 as different as heaven and hell; as far apart as sky and sea; as like as chalk and [to] cheese; a world of differences; be quite a different pair of shoes; vast difference; 天缘 predestined friendship or marriage; predestination; 天缘奇遇 coincidence; 天圆地方说 hemispherical dome cosmology; 天灾 natural disaster [calamity]; act of God; 天灾横祸 unforeseen calamities sent from Heaven; 天灾人祸 natural calamities and man-made misfortunes; natural and man-made calamities; natural and man-made disaster; natural disaster and human foe; disaster of both natural and human origin; the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed; 天葬 celestial burial (by which bodies all exposed to birds of prey); 天造地设 created by nature; heavenly; ideal; natural creation; nature ready- made; 天真 innocent; artless; naive; 天真烂熳 innocent and artless (children); childlike innocence; have stars in one's eyes; simple and unaffected; 天真未凿 naive and pure; a blank sheet; 天真无邪 innocent and pure; 天知道 God knows.; 天知地知, 你知我知 No one knows besides you and me.; between ourselves; Between you and me and the gatepost [gate-post].; There's no one except you and me who know about it.; 天之宠儿 one specially blessed by Heaven; 天之方疧 Heaven is greatly angered.; 天之骄子 God's favored one; an unusually lucky person; specially privileged person; 天职 bounden duty; vocation; 天诛地灭 stand condemned by God; be destroyed by heaven and earth; be executed by heaven and destroyed by earth.; May Heaven and Earth rain the worst curses upon my head.; May Heaven strike me dead.; 天竺 India; 天竺葵 {植} fish pelargonium; pelargonium zonale; 天竺鼠 guinea-pig; cavy; 天主 God; 天主教 Catholicism; 天主教用短斗篷 mozzetta; 天柱骨折 fracture of cervical vertebra; 天柱倒 cervical flaccidity; bending of the pillar bone; 天助人也 Heaven help us!; 天助我也 helped from heaven; 天助自助者 Heaven helps those who help themselves.; 天姿国色 possess surpassing beauty; a matchless [peerless] beauty; a rare [great] beauty; be indescribably beautiful; be unequaled in beauty; the reigning beauty; 天资 natural gift; talent; natural endowments; flair; 天资颖慧 be by nature endowed with remarkable talents; 天子 the Son of Heaven; the emperor; vice-regent; 天字第一号 the greatest in the world; par excellence; number one; A1; the very best; 天纵之才 heroes, sages, especially gifted leaders of men; 天尊 (of Taoism) supernatural being; celestial being; (of Buddhism) Buddha; 天尊地卑 the sky above and the earth below; 天作之合 a heaven- made match; a union made by heaven; 天作孽, 犹可为; 自作孽, 不可活 If disasters come from nature, sth. can be done to counter them; but if they are of one's own making, one is done for.; 天祚明德 Heaven blesses the virtuous. |